The Holiday Season is Over

Now that Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and "The New Year" is over, it's time to get back to real life. Our calendar is already filling up with our normal things:
Mondays - count the tithe at church
Tuesdays - Bible Study (We're starting a Beth Moore one on Tuesday - can't wait!)
Wednesdays - swimming
Thursdays - soccer
The best part is, no fishing for a few more months, so the weekends are family time! (By the way, this may seem like a lot of things to drag Kara to, but she is so different at three and needs so much more stimulation. Sitting home all day is WAY boring.)

I certainly had a great time this year - Kara was June (from Little Einsteins) for Halloween, I hosted my FABULOUS in-laws for Thanksgiving, and we had two wonderful Christmas celebrations - one with the Stewarts, and one with the Days. (I think 2009 has been the best year yet.) I worked hard to get in good shape during most of those weeks, but once mid-December hit, I took a serious break and enjoyed cookies, eating out, and the beloved unlimited Dr. Pepper. It was great fun, and my taste buds sure were happy, but my waist line wasn't! I'm afraid to see how much weight I've gained, but I do know my jeans don't fit as well as they used to.

I've already decided to get back into the groove (eating healthy and exercising a WHOLE lot again) starting tomorrow. I will be calling my sister's personal trainer for a guest pass/consultation, which is very exciting for me. I don't want to spin my wheels, I want to exercise hard for maximum results. By the way, in my ripe old age of 29, my new goals are not so much being skinny, they are being healthy and strong. I've prayed long and hard about this, and God showed me plenty of places in the Bible where he calls us (women especially) to be strong, healthy, capable, and a good helpmate for our spouses. I can't find a single place in the Bible where he calls us to be skinny. Think on that!


Elisabeth said…
Love what you said about being healthy and not skinny!!
Jessica said…
Oh do I hate working out! But I am with you, I want to be healthy and strong and not so much skinny. I would like to be toned though! So we started tonight. Went to the Y and walked a mile on the track; well walked and ran really. But you can read all of that on my blog! Good luck as you start this new year and your workouts. You did fabulously at the end of last year; Im sure you will do wonderfully this year!
Kattrina said…
Good luck with the workouts Jessica! I got my lazy booty up for a 3 miles run in the FREEZING cold. The good thing is that my legs go numb after a few minutes so I can't feel how tired they are getting. I am also going to start including some core workouts and arm/back workouts to get ready for the wedding - so we can motivate each other! I wish you lived closer because I'm always looking for someone to walk or exercise with.
jessicaday said…
Kattrina, I'd love that too. No one ever does exercise with me and I really wish they would! I wish I could run - my muscles don't get tired or sore any more, but I can't get enough air in my lungs. How can I get past that? Seriously, how do I fix that - I LOVE running???
Kattrina said…
Since I'm not an exercise physiologist or anything, I hate to give advice, so don't take this as golden. However, what comes to mind would be lung capacity. It's not always just being tired that keeps you from being a distance runner, you also have to train your lungs and get them to increase their capacity - just like you would work your legs to be stronger. So, with practice, it should be easier to breathe. Run/walk programs are the best way to start and will build your endurance along with your lung capacity. I would just make sure it's not asthma or something that's causing your breathing problems first. The cold weather always makes it hard for me to breath, but after a few times my body's used to it.