
So, for some reason, Michael's dad, Tim, sleeps an awful lot. He passed that trait down to all four of his children, who sleep an AWFUL lot. As the spouse of a long sleeper, it gets pretty annoying - especially when your husband is a pill when he's tired. The good side is, he passed that on to Kara. Being the PARENT of a long sleeper is awwwwwwwesoooooooome. Kara has always slept a lot - and slept in late. I can get on board with this! As a baby, she was always on the high end, or past, the range a baby her age would sleep; and for the longest time (like the last two years), as a toddler, she would sleep from 9pm to 9am and still have a 2+ hour nap.
But now she's three and a half. I'm lucky to get an hour and a half nap out of her, and lucky to get 10 whole hours of sleep at night out of her. I don't know if she doesn't need so much anymore or if she's not getting enough exercise. (Although swim and soccer days don't make her nap longer or anything.) Anyway, I was used to her needing a lot more and planned my chores, exercise, Bible study, etc. around that. Now I have to.......adjust! It'll just be a few short months before she's in preschool and I'll have two extra hours back.
I'll try to enjoy as much of these last few months as I can. I'm sure one day when she's always in her room on the phone with her friends, I'll be dying for her to ask to watch 101 Dalmations.....AGAIN. :-)


Jessica said…
How sweet! They do grow up so fast! Michael did not get my sleep gene! At least on the weekend! During the week he is a bear to get up and he gets a good 9-10 hours of sleep. He could use about 2 more I think! But on the weekend he wants to stay up until 2 like his grandma! And he gets up early too.

When does Kara start preschool?
jessicaday said…
Kara will be starting preschool this fall. I am going to register her this week to make sure she gets in the class I want. She's going to be going a few hours a day, 5 days a week. She is really ready and needs the stimulation - I think she'll love it.
Elisabeth said…
maybe it isn't that she needs more physical excersize, maybe she needs more mental excersize to wear her out for naptime. Kara is a very smart girl. I have noticed that she knows her numbers better than Hannah did at 3 and she is WAY farther than Ryan is (but he gets credit for being a boy, altho I don't want that to be an excuse for him not learning) and preschool will hopefully help with that. But naptime can't last forever!! Hannah goes to bed at 7 (and sometimes earlier) so she can basically get 12 hrs sleep in before school. She needs it bad! So don't get too adjusted because when she goes to preschool her schedule will be changing again! Love you!
Vicky said…
What a sweet picture! I think that is my favorite thing - sleeping babies! The innocence is just soooo precious!
jessicaday said…
Thanks for the advice Liz. I LOVE having you in my family because you're going through stuff I'll need advice on soon! :-) You're right, she is smart - she leads everything, I don't push her! Lately she started writing letters by herself (I never taught her, she just picked up a pencil and started writing). And now she wants to do addition. She is constantly asking me, what's 1 plus 2? What's 3 plus 3? I'm teaching her to answer by herself. When was the last time a three year old wanted to know how to add?? She blows my mind. Anyway, I'm not sure how to expand her mental time - maybe we'll start doing our own tiny school session every day - only if she likes it, of course.