Maybe next week.....

I think only women read this blog....
Well, my first week going back to diet and exercise started strong the first day (diet AND exercise) then I got my period and I'm at a stand still. I have no energy and am a little queasy and have a very sore back and chest and headache - you know how it goes. So, I guess I'm starting next week! It seems like last year at this time it took me a while to get back in the groove also - I think instead of starting January 1st I started on like the 25th. Maybe it's something about starting on my own time, not because it's the 1st. I'm so weird.....


Elisabeth said…
I guess we'll let it slide this week!;) You know we all know what you are going thru!
Vicky said…
Well, I was looking at pictures from 2002 when I lost all my weight and it made me sick of tomorrow is the day for me!
Jessica said…
I am really enjoying this lack of visiting from "Aunt Flo". Mine got worse after Michael so I am not looking forward to it after this one. But for the next 24 weeks hopefully I will be free of that type of liquid! As far as dieting, remember to just eat healthy even when you aren't exercising. That will help tremendously! And you like healthy foods so you will be just fine this week! Hugs, love you!
Kattrina said…
Ya know...exercise is the best medicine for la regla (as they call it in spanish). It always makes me feel less crampy after a run - it loosens up the muscles. Just saying.... :-)
jessicaday said…
You're absolutely right, Kattrina - I usually feel better too. But when I haven't done it for a while, exercising just makes me feel worse. I'm totally cool with starting in a few weeks. I know I can get motivated and get serious results, so I am happy with procrastinating. :-)