Ray of Sunshine

Sometimes I get wound up and frustrated at small things (although much less than I used to), then Kara says something like, "Mommy, look at the pretty yellow leaves," or "Mommy, I can see lots of birdies in the sky," and my favorite is when we're running late and I open the garage door and Kara runs just outside to the fresh air and says, "Mommy, it's such a beautiful day!" Even in the rain! I am thankful to God for giving me this special person I get to spend my life with who appreciates everything, never gets mad at me, and who is generally happy and content with whatever is happening right then. What's wrong with me when I could learn a thing or two about patience from my three year old?! :-)


Vicky said…
What a cutie! I love this picture of her! They know how to make you stop and think about what's important in life sometimes, don't they?!