Productive Day

Today was a busy day, but a great day! Kara woke up early, which was a good sign, and we headed out for the library and pharmacy, but first I stopped at Dunkin Donuts for a good cup of coffee! I knew it would be a long day, so I treated myself (I rarely drink coffee because I like both cream and sugar - yikes!). Then we met my mom and grandmother at the mall so I could get a treat for my best friend Lara. You see, she's having a baby in a few days and I knew just the thing for her - Bath and Body Works Aromatherapy Lavender Vanilla lotion to help you sleep. My mother-in-law bought it for me when I had Kara and I absolutely love it! It really works! Mine is finally running low, three years later, so I bought one for myself too - they were on sale! Anyway, then we headed to Walmart for a few odds and ends, which included a new baby doll for Lara's daughter Emily who will be a big sister soon. When my little sister was born, I was given a special baby doll by my mom's best friend. She told me I had my baby to take care of and my mommy had her baby to take care of. I felt like such a big girl taking care of my baby just like mommy. So, I bought little Emily a baby with a bottle and some doll diapers. I hope it helps her with the transition!
After our errands (by the way, Kara was an absolute angel all day - I tend to take that for granted too often), we came home to eat. As soon as I put Kara to bed, I started mopping the floor. However, since I hate to mop the floor, I do it rarely (so it was filthy), so I decided to scrub it on my hands and knees. I opened a brand new sponge, got out the bucket, put on my favorite CD and got to work! As I "mopped," I noticed the baseboards looked a little dirty, then I noticed the wall looked a bit dirty, then the doors looked like they needed a wipe. Next thing I know, I'm changing the water three times and it's two hours later - Kara's awake! Michael came home and took her to play for me and I got back to work. I cleaned the outside of my fridge, underneath it (that was CRAZY dusty - yikes!), the oven, and back behind the stove. Who knew it was so easy to clean behind a stove. (Yes, it's the first time I've ever done it. I'll do it a lot more often now that I know how easy it is!)
Four hours later, after a quick sandwich made with last night's flank steak for dinner, I'm exhausted! I think I'll take a shower and give Kara a bath before Michael goes to bed soon for his fishing tournament tomorrow.
Whew! My poor hands are in rough shape after all those chemicals I used to clean today. I think I'll do Mary Kay's Satin Hands. Maybe Kara will like to do it with me. :-)


Vicky said…
WOW! You got alot done today! Don't you feel really good after you get a job done like that! That is so great that Michael took Kara out so you could finish the job! I HATE getting started in something like that only to be interrupted and not get it finished! YIKES! I've got to do it when the mood strikes, or it doesn't get done!

I can't believe the Aromatherapy has lasted this long! I'm so glad you enjoyed it! Made me smile!

Love you all!
jessicaday said…
Yep, it was a long productive day. I'd like to do more, but I think today I'm asking Kara what she wants to do! :-)