A New Job?

I am a stay at home mom, and I'm SO happy to be one. Michael and I waited to have children until we could afford for me to be home because this has always been my dream. My mom didn't work for a short time during my childhood, and I loved coming home from school to her being there, she'd have a special snack ready for us, and she couldn't wait to hear every little detail about our day. (Well, I told her every detail whether she wanted to hear or not!) I always wanted that for my kids, since Michael and I have the choice. I am so happy and consider this the best time of my life. Kara and I pick up and go places whenever we want, we sleep in when we want, we're basically two peas in a pod who are having a blast. I talked to Michael about it, and it turns out he doesn't care if I stay home even when Kara goes to school. This is just what I wanted to hear - I love running the house and just being here to support my husband and daughter.
All that said, I am wondering why I've been feeling nudged/led to work at the church. I volunteer to count the tithe once a month at church, and I love it so much I volunteer to help whenever anyone is sick. I'm up to twice or more a month now and I just can't get enough. (I've been doing it about two years now.) The rumor is starting to circulate that our church is so big, we may have to hire someone to count the tithe instead of letting our little teller committee do it. I got so sad and disappointed, I decided to tell the head of the committee that I would love to be the one they hire to do it. All the while, I've been praying and praying about it. I finally decided the next Monday I'm counting at church will be the one I bring this up to the head of the committee. Just then, that Sunday, I saw an ad in the bulletin that they're wanting to hire someone to do their bookkeeping. Is this God?? This sounds like something I would LOVE to do. I am so excited about this, but the ad says 20-25 hours a week - way more than I wanted. My mom already agreed to watch Kara whatever hours I work and Michael fully supports whatever I want to do (I know, he's a GOOD man), so I'm going to submit my resume. Please pray for me - I probably won't take the position if it's 20-25 hours EVERY week. I probably will (assuming they offer it to me, of course!) if it's more like 10-15 hours a week. Or 20-25 hours every other week. Anyway, please pray for God's guidance! God sure likes to do strange yet amazing things with our lives that we never planned on. He also has a way of closing doors if our train-of-thought-tangents aren't what He wants! I want God's plan for my life!


Vicky said…
Hi Jessica,
Very cool about the job! I will be praying for the Lord to reveal His will to you concerning the job!
Love you all!
Kattrina said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kattrina said…
Sorry - I deleted my orignial comment becuause there was a spelling mistake (there should really be an "edit" button). Here is what I said:

I think you should just do what feels right in your heart. I believe that everything happens for a reason and that eventually that reason will come to light. So trust yourself and make the decision that feels good for you. Whatever you choose, you'll still be a great person, mother, wife, daughter, friend, etc.
Kattrina said…
Haha - another spelling mistake!!! I cannot win!!!
Anonymous said…
Hope it works out for you! And the thing about whether to work when Kara goes to school......A lot of people think that is the time to go back to work, but.....I enjoy volunteering AT my kid's schools. I couldn't do that if I worked! Something to think about. The part time thing sounds great though.