
Today I went to Bible Study, which I am really enjoying. We're studying Kay Arthur's Covenant - it's really good! We're only on our 3rd week, but I feel like I'm learning a lot, connecting things I already knew, and am being reminded of some good basics. Those of you who have already done it know it's a good one.
The challenge is taking Kara to the child care. The people who work there are so awesome, but Kara is a shy kid. Two hours is a long time for Kara to be away from me, Michael, or my mom; so I still, years later, will often have to leave her crying. But, the older she gets, the more she gets involved in other classes with kids and teachers (like soccer and swimming), the better she gets. I promised her a trip to a playground today if she did well today, and she did very well! I'm so proud of my shy girl. All parents know that there's a certain area in their kids' lives that will always be a struggle - and small successes feel very big!


Anonymous said…
Kayla was and still is my shy one! She talks to no one in public! She cried for preschool, kindergarten and part of first grade! So I understand!