
Does anyone know if it's possible to make money being an organizer? I've seen shows on tv (Mission Organization on HGTV) where professional organizers come in to help people, but how to you get a job like that around here?
You see, I'm back from Target with yet another set of shelves. I just can't seem to get the house organized enough. Why is that? I get so excited and feel completely blissful when I'm organizing closets, drawers, and shelves; and when I'm arranging furniture and decorating. Is it the control freak in me? The neat freak in me? Or the perfectionist in me? I have mellowed out a lot over the last 7 years being married to a Day, people who are practically opposites of Stewarts, but I still really like it. It's who I am. I was reading a book (Captivating by Staci something) about how women need to be more comfortable in their own skin because we were created in God's image and all of our quirks and emotions and feelings were just parts of God's personality. I wonder, does God have a side of him that loves organization and order? Do the angels line up in military formation? I have learned that it's okay to be organized and like order, and I should embrace who I am. Especially because I no longer expect it out of anyone else, it's just what makes me happy.


Vicky said…
Hi Jessica,
I know I have heard of companies that come and do your organizing for you! At least when we were in WV I remember hearing of that. You would certainly be good at it!
Glad to see you making use of this blog!
Give Kara and Michael kisses and hugs for me!
Love you, MOM
Anonymous said…
That would be an awesome job for you! I used to be that way, but I think I've mellowed a little too much!!!