My Daughter is the Coolest

Kara asked to borrow my phone the other day and came up with something really cool.  She started using the time lapse option on my camera on my phone.  I think these are amazing.  (P.S.  You won't be able to watch these videos in Safari - Firefox and Chrome work though!)

This one was done in the car and is sideways, so it may make you a little car sick.  :-)  Her art is wonderful though.

Kara is constantly thinking of new ways to use technology and new ways to be artistic.  She is a very special girl!


Vicky said…
jeday0323 said…
I thought you'd like those. They have your name all over them!
Vicky said…
She is getting BETTER and BETTER!!!
I'm still thinking about what I want to do with the surprise art I want to mail to her! So, still keep it under wraps! I have an idea, just not sure how I want to do it yet!
LOVE you!