Jessica and I took Kara and Emma to IKEA in Atlanta yesterday.  It was a blast!!

I feel like I could have used every single thing in the store, but one step at a time.  Here are the things I ended up getting (I got these pictures from the IKEA website - they have good stuff!):

I want to use this, minus the wheels, for my bedside table.

I'm going to use three of these as legs for mine and Kara's
new desks.  Stay tuned to see how this all comes together.

Two of these - our new desk chairs

Two of these - desktops for us

Two of these for my eventual foyer decorations.
Still need a good long table.

4 of these for my drawers in my bathroom
One giant one for the kitchen (couldn't find a pic online)

Cheese grater with bowl built in

Large spatula for quesadillas

This is going in the spare bathroom since there
is very little storage in there now.
A pillow to help my neck.  I used it last night and it's
the first time in a while my neck felt great as soon
as I woke up.  Very nice!

The prices are very good.  I wouldn't say amazing - like $10 for drawers or anything - but very good. Good enough to drive all the way to Atlanta for!

I will be spending a LOT of time putting all of these together.  I'm kind of afraid to open the first box and even get started.  Maybe I'll have some time this weekend to do a piece or two.


Vicky said…
LOVE! Especially the top 2 drawer pieces!
jeday0323 said…
Mom, you would go crazy in IKEA. All of that fun organization stuff for your crafts - so much fun!
Vicky said…
Yes, I'm sure I would! So, I better stay away, LOL! I'll live vicariously through you! :D