Wednesday, November 2

The contractors are back and they are getting to work.  My list is pretty long, but I'm glad they are finally back.  In the process of cutting holes in the backsplash, they cracked it, so that will have to be replaced.  The good news is what was in there isn't what I wanted in the first place, so this will give me a chance to get what I really want.

They put screens in all our windows.  They are in the process of scraping all the paint off the windows (what kind of painters don't put tape on the glass first?).  They are in the process of installing a footpath from the back patio to the driveway.  So many things left on my list:  lots of paint, some electrical, hang more curtains, cut down trees, cut up firewood (from old trees cut down), and much more!

This morning at horse lessons, Kara worked on more jumps.  They start low, until she masters that jump.  Then they get a little higher until she masters that jump.  Here she is with Bella jumping the highest jump she's done so far.

I am so proud of Kara's hard work.  Something you and I can't see is her technique is so good.  She sits, hold her feet, holds her hands, everything, just right.  Every part of her body has to be in tune with that horse in order to do it right.  Horse lessons has taught her hard work pays off, it's strengthened her muscled all over her whole body, it's helped with her balance, and it's been great physical therapy for her tippy toes.  We love horse lessons!

Tonight is Wednesday night church.  I'm looking forward to seeing the ladies since last week we didn't meet and served at trunk or treat instead.
