Chicken Mushroom Noodle Recipe

I made a yummy recipe the other day, so I thought I’d share.  It’s a chicken pasta mushroom deal.  I really made it for myself, preparing to eat a giant dinner after a tiny lunch, only to find when I went back for seconds, Michael had eaten the rest of the pan.  Either he was hungry or he really liked it.  My meat and potatoes guy.

Okay, are you convinced?  Here we go.

Boil egg noodles, set aside.

Cook chicken tenderloins (thighs would be delicious too) with salt and pepper.  Remove from heat, let sit so juices can redistribute, then chop into tiny pieces.

Cook mushrooms (I used baby bellas, but any kind would be good) that are cut in tiny pieces, onions, garlic.  Add salt, pepper, poultry seasoning.  (Poultry seasoning has sage in it, and sage and mushrooms are best friends.  I used a good amount of poultry seasoning.)

When everything is smelling amazing and the mushrooms are ready, add a tablespoon or two of flour to the pan.  Cook the flour for about a minute, then add a can of chicken broth and about ¼ cup of milk.  You’re basically making a gravy.

After it’s thick and yummy, add the chicken and pasta into the pan and turn the heat off.  (You don’t want to cook the chicken too long or it’ll get dry.  And you don’t want to leave the noodles in there too long or it’ll absorb too much of the sauce.)

Using white wine or marsala wine would have been even better, but Michael doesn’t like meals cooked with wine.

This was so good though.  And it didn’t take too long to make.  I’m going to put it in the monthly rotation.

Maybe it will cool off soon and I can make soups and crock pot meals.  I’m looking forward to that.
