No Longer BFFs

My darling girl has experienced her first taste of heart break and her first taste of injustice.  And I hate it.  It's a friend of hers who needed Kara when she was in a really bad place and other friends weren't there for her.  Kara was a wonderful, thoughtful, sensitive, caring friend to this girl during this difficult time.  Kara even witnessed to this girl who declared herself to not be a Christian anymore at age 9 because she got cancer.  And how can God be real or good if He let her have cancer.  She and Kara talked about it.  Kara did a really good job.  Then when we moved and Kara needed her the most, she started pushing Kara around.

I told Kara over and over to pull away from this friend, but she had no other friends, so she couldn't bring herself to say goodbye once and for all.

Fast forward to months later and this friend dragged Kara around, keeping her at arms length.  Then she belittled her over and over.  Probably not on purpose - just being an insensitive and thoughtless kid.

The thing is, I told Kara how to handle it.  What not to do.  (Usually after I told her to stop doing it.)  I told her if she did the right things, the situation would be better.  Fixed.  Well, it didn't get any better.  I talked with the other kid's mom a little bit, but it was really between the girls.

She feels so defeated.  She did what was right.  She did what she was told.  And now she is minus one friend.  And that friend never stopped treating her poorly or even got in trouble for it.

The system failed Kara.

Poor girl.

The only thing I can do is tell her to continue to be who she is.
Don't try to change people.
Don't keep people in your life who abuse you.
Keep talking to me about your feelings.
I am always here.
You won't always see justice happen, but let God be in control of that.
Do what you know is right.  You will have no regrets.

She's so disappointed.  She lost a little bit of trust in me and in justice in general.

She's only 9.  How am I not going to go out and murder some boy who breaks her heart?  Or break the legs of some boss who belittles her and steals her work?

This mama bear stuff is real.  And I want to protect my baby bear.  But I can't.  She's not mine.  She belongs to God.  He loves her even more than I do!  He's got this.  All I can do is give her the right tools to go out into the world.  And get hurt.
