98% done

The house is almost done.  They will be working through the weekend, even as we move in, and all next week around our boxes.  Here are pictures of my awesome house.  Unfortunately, they aren't awesome pictures.  People were everywhere, so I tried to be super quick.  Enjoy!

Michael's office (they are hanging the
tvs now)

Mudroom.  Yes.

Michael's bathroom (still cleaning)

Michael's shower.  Very manly.

Our bedroom (look how clean the
windows are!)

My bathroom (temporary mirror)

Clean windows, pretty view (our bedroom)

Our bedroom

Our bedroom (headboard is being made)

My bathroom

My bathroom

View from my bathroom

My closet, looking into the laundry room

My closet

Laundry room

Laundry room

Michael's closet

Laundry room




Screened in porch

three doors.  Love.

Foyer and dining room

Hallway from guest bedroom to Kara's

Kara's / guest laundry

Kara's closet

Kara's closet

Kara's bathroom

Kara's bathroom

Guest bedroom

Guest bedroom view

Guest bedroom view

Guest bedroom (looking into homeschool

Homeschool view

Homeschool view

Painted and pretty (guest hooks)

Guest bathroom

Guest bathroom

Guest bathroom


Lots of trucks, beautiful day

We move in TOMORROW.

Since Kara slept in until I woke her up this morning at 11:30 (being an emotional pre-teen who is moving for the second time in one year is exhausting), we are putting her in our rental house's closet to sleep tonight.  It's a big walk in with a vent, light, and outlet.  And it's right off our bathroom.  I think it'll be perfect!  And it'll be a fun place for her to hang out for the day while there are tons of people at both houses.  I'll post a picture of how nice it is if you're worried I am imprisoning my daughter.  :-)
