House Photo Shoot, 4/30

We move in two weeks from today!  I am so excited and so ready.

All the pictures are a bit dark.  The guys in the house had me rushing through the pictures and I couldn't get the settings right.  When I do the final tour, the light will be awesome.

Let's start the tour with the laundry room.  I showed you the counters last time.  Now the sink and faucet are in.  I love the simple shape to the faucet - it matches my bathroom sink, which matches my giant tub faucet.  Also, you'll see the hanging bar with shelf goes where the blue tape is.  I liked the idea of a 3 ft bar for hanging clothes so much that I added another one.  The pieces to these are on the counter.

How cute is that sink?  Perfect
to soak a shirt with a stain.

All of these pieces will be shelves with a hanging bar
to drip dry my nicer clothes.

They will go here, on the wall with the closet doors.
Hung nice and high so I won't bang my head on
it.  Hmmm, I bet I'll still find a way.  I'm a klutz.

Drawers, drawers, and more drawers.  These here in the
laundry room will probably have light bulbs, batteries,
that kind of thing.

Here are some pictures of my bedroom.

I can't wait to see the cool custom headboard that is going
in between those sconces.

We are going to try something wild and crazy.  Thirteen years of marriage later, we are going to switch sides of the bed.  Remember how at the last minute we flip flopped the house plans?  Well, each of our bathrooms were designed to be next to our own side of the bed.  The flip now has the bathrooms on opposite sides.  So, we're going to switch!  I thought Michael, my man who is a creature of habit, would say it was too late.  But, his extremely logical brain said it only makes sense to switch and be on the same side as our bathrooms.  I wonder how long it will take to get used to.  He says only a week or two.

My bathroom.  All showers got shower heads on hoses for easy cleaning.  I am not a fan of cleaning showers and I wanted to make it as easy as possible for me, even though the hoses aren't as pretty.

The center part comes out and the ring is stationary.

More sconces.  A GIANT mirror is going up there.

A better view of all the drawers
I get in the bathroom.

How much do you love that stand alone tub?
Faucet isn't installed yet.

Peek a boo.  The throne gets
her own room in my bathroom.
Michael affectionately calls it
the poop room.  Ladies, don't be
jealous because my man has such
a lovely way with words.  :-)

My closet, looking into the
laundry room.
Powder room:

Three separate pieces to the faucet.
Three separate pieces to the light
fixture.  Lots of thought went
into this house.

Michael's bathroom:

I like his bathroom.  Very masculine.

Michael's shower.  Oil rubbed bronze
fixtures are super manly.

The tile work is so pretty.

Mudroom.  I call these lockers, even though they are cabinetry.  Each one of us gets one, plus one for a guest or extra stuff.

Here's what I'm thinking.  These hooks in each one for jackets, backpacks, or purses.  A few movable shelves for the bottom for shoes.  Then the top cabinets can hold hats, scarves, mittens, whatever.  There will be doors on the cabinets so all the mess will be hidden.

The kitchen.  Ah.  I love you.  They covered the marble with pink paper to protect it.  Thank you very much!

They are still working on the back of my island.

Hello lovelies!  I CAN'T wait to use
you!  I think I love you most of all.

Convection, check.  Bread proofing, check.
I can't wait!!!


The pantry/tornado shelter:

With the light on, you can see the storm
door as been installed.

That back wall is going to be awesome.  This whole room
will be.

By the way, have you noticed how chewed up the paper
has become?  Better the paper than my floors!

I'm not sure if you can see the screen is on about half
the porch.

They are working on hay and seed.  It's a lot of yard to do.

Bottom step is seamless with the stamped concrete.

Nothing really changed in the family room, foyer, or dining room, so let's skip over to the guest bedroom.

I bought the hooks for that wall.  Twelve!  That's a good start, if you ask me.  Again, they will be hung nice and high so they don't catch anyone in the eye.

Guest bathroom.  Same light fixture
 as Kara's bathroom.

Same shower head.

Big handle is for on and off, small one is for hot and cold.

More chewed up paper.

Hallway from guest bedroom,
looking down to Kara's room.

Kara's bathroom:

She picked this out at Hobby Lobby (after saying no to
everything else for an hour!) and it's actually really perfect.
We brought it here and it's too big!  I'm going to see if
we can make it fit somewhere in there.

More hay outside.  I'm standing in front of the windows to the master bedroom.

Looking the other way, down the sidewalk that goes
to the front door.  Still need more hay and seed!

Garage was sealed today.  No more walking on it, gentlemen!

Aren't they shiny and pretty?  The fumes just about
gave me a buzz, even inside the house.  Pee-Yew!

Michael's boat garage.

The bathroom - with granite counters.

Tile at the bottom of the stairs,
carpet is coming this week.

They hung up the lights!

Other light.
I'm betting that hallway is DARK
at night.

Upstairs - above the boat.

We opted for the solid wall so the
ping pong ball won't roll down the
stairs.  :-D

Looking down the stairs in the boat

Two more weeks.  They said when it came down to the end like this I would say there's no way they could get done, but they would.  Well, I'm saying there's no way, but they insist yes.  :-)  I'm going to trust!


Unknown said…
It's getting SO close!!! I know you can't stand it!!! It of course all looks gorgeous. I LOVE that picture Kara picked!
jeday0323 said…
Thank you! It is so much fun seeing it all come together. When it was just dirt and string on the ground mapping out the rooms, I saw this. When it was just wooden framing, I saw this. And now everyone else can see it!

I love that picture too! Unfortunately it won't fit in the room we bought it for. Since we got it half off (thank you, Hobby Lobby!), I might just keep it and hang it somewhere else. That girl really has a good eye for a 9 year old. :-)