Packing Again

So, I totally love packing.  Yes, there is something wrong with me.  Of course, I only do about 10 boxes a week, and I am packing to move into my dream house, so that makes it more fun.  Here are some before and after pictures of how much I have done so far.  All I have left to do now is the bare necessities in the kitchen, one suitcase full of clothes and toiletries for each of us, and our computers.

Here is Michael's side of the bed.  Almost all the boxes have been used.


This is our closet.  So many clothes and pillows and shelves are packed.  I left the medicine box and heating pad.


This is my side of the closet.  (Michael doesn't have many dresses that need to be hung.)  :-)  I saved these shirts, shorts, and pjs.  No more jeans around here!  We will be in the 80s all day and mid 60s overnight.  I'll be hot.  And, yes, I haven't packed my old teddy bear.  Say what you want, but I still like it from time to time.  Especially when I can't sleep and my mind is racing because we are in the middle of a move.


Here is Michael's side.  His clothes filled the top and bottom, but they are packed now!

Here is the laundry room.  I packed the temporary shelving in there, but nothing else!  Now it looks worse, but this is one of those places that needs to be packed last.


Before:  Foyer

All shelves are packed
and all chairs assembled.

Again, shelves empty
and rugs are ready for
the new house.

This is where I used to put the stuff that didn't fit in the master bathroom.  Now the shelves and all the stuff are in boxes.


Upstairs in that spare bedroom/Michael's office/storage room has really transformed while we were here.

Here it is when we first moved in.  It was the catch
all room.  Yikes.

Then I turned it into a bedroom, my office, and Michael's

And now the bed is gone, along with a few other pieces
of furniture, and those cube shelves are all packed.

Kara's room.  We donated Kara's dressers and trundle bed set to a friend who has a little 4 year old and Kara graduated up to a queen sized bed.  Michael and I told her she doesn't realize how lucky she is - he and I were on twin beds until we got married!


And Kara's closet is super bare too:


Like I said, most of the rest of the house is packed.  According to my color coded spreadsheet, I have 120 boxes packed and about 15 to go.  :-D  I'm rocking this!

P.S.  My eye itches.  Pink eye is annoying.
