Trip - Part 2

Sunday we woke up in Stephanie's house and it was like Christmas morning.  We knew they were up before us and being sweet and quiet and letting us sleep.  We tip toed upstairs to find them and the squealing began!  Kara was scheduled to spend the day with them, so I made sure she knew where her food was and tore myself away from Stephanie about an hour later and went to my sister's house.  The kids were in HEAVEN.

I had an amazing sister day.  It was only made better because Tony was there, who I love like he was my own brother.  We talked, we ran errands, we watched football, we got my Dad from the airport and visited with him for a while.  It was so wonderful.

Then I tore myself away from that to go back to Stephanie's house.  I made a quick spaghetti dinner with salad and garlic bread and we had a great time.  We stayed up way too late and poor Stephanie had to go to work the next day!

Monday Kara and I woke up bright and early to get started on school, then head to Maureen's house.  She made me lunch while Kara finished her school and we just visited for a while.  I thought we would be there only an hour or so, but I should have known that wouldn't be the case!  We never run out of things to say and I had to tear myself away from her to be home in time for Ellie to come home from school.  I picked up a flank steak on the way home for dinner.  YUM.

Visiting with Stephanie in the evening was really fun again and we decided to go to bed early that night because we were all tired!  lol.

I put a meal in a crock pot Tuesday morning, got Kara started on school, I packed a bag, and let her finish school in the car.  We headed over the bridge to Lara's house.  Lara made everything so much fun - she picked Emily up from school early, and let her stay home from school the next day.  Kara seemed to not want to spend the night there because she was having a hard time leaving Ellie, but once we were there, she didn't want to leave!  I know the feeling!

Lara and I went out to dinner and James stayed home with the kids, which was so nice.  We were gone three hours!  lol.

We went to bed super late and woke up 8 hours later for breakfast.  I got to see their new house and ask a ton of questions about things they chose so I could incorporate that into our house.  It was so cool.

It's so beautiful where they live now - a few houses here and there, but mostly farmland.

We tore ourselves away from them around 2:00 so we could be home in time for Ellie to get home from school.  We swung by Target on the way home for a few things, including dinner stuff.  I made chicken quesadillas and was crowned queen of the Swain house (Stephanie's last name).  They fell in love with the food, they loved the crock pot meal I left for them, and were singing my praises for hours.  I mean, I adore cooking for people I love, but all that praise was such good stuff!  I put it in my back pocket to draw on for a while.  Oh, they are so good to me.

Just as the kids were playing in the basement play room like usual (also where we were sleeping), the kids started screaming about seeing a mouse.  I moved my stuff out of there faster than you can say, "KILL THE MOUSE."  lol.

I was going to head to another friend's house, but Stephanie insisted she could just put new sheets on Aaron's bed and we could share their bathroom.  I appreciated all the work she did!  I don't want to stay in the basement with a mouse.  It may as well have been a tarantula to me.  Poor Stephanie was mortified.  That was a big reason I didn't leave either - she was embarrassed enough - I didn't want to hurt her feelings.

Thursday was cook and hang out with Stephanie day.  I started with school with Kara.  We had a lot of work to do and I was stressed about missing it the day before because Emily was supposed to be in school so I was rushing Kara.  I hate doing school like that.  Normally we spend time making totally sure she gets it, we giggle and crack jokes and get an insane amount of quality time in.  Instead I was yelling, go faster!  We have to hurry!  Oh, I hate that.  I apologized to her and said I need to get over myself.

Then I said she could stop school and just play, and I headed into the kitchen.

I made 4 shepherd's pies (my own version) and loads of mexican food fixins.  Including homemade salsa, homemade avocado lime dressing, and salsa chicken.  Stephanie was in heaven with the salsa and we ended up eating the salsa chicken for dinner.  We put 3 shepherds pies in the freezer and the other one in the fridge for them to eat the next night.

Now they were all set on food and had tons of leftovers, which was good because we wouldn't see them much anymore because Friday, Saturday, and Sunday we were spending with my family.

Then, Aaron came down with a fever.  I freaked out a bit, afraid we would get sick and give it to my family.  They need to find where sicknesses come from and figure out how to prevent it in the future, which makes me afraid to be the guilty culprit.  

Then, around 11pm, Aaron threw up.  I really freaked then.  We do NOT need a stomach bug!  Especially with all the traveling we are doing.  Driving home 12 hours is totally miserable when you or someone in the car is throwing up the whole time.  (Not to mention it takes longer.)  This was even more stressful because I couldn't wait to spend a few days in Alabama with my mom.  If that was taken away from me because of an illness, I would have been so disappointed.

So, Stephanie understood, and we left.  We went to go sleep at Maureen's house and just stayed there the rest of the time.  It turned out well actually because we avoided the germs and never did get sick.  And the whole weekend, Aaron was sick with fevers (but only threw up twice during those fever spikes, making me think it wasn't a stomach bug), and Stephanie got it!  They weren't up for playing even if we could have tried, and their house was full of germs.  Poor Swains.  What a bad way to end such a great week!

We skipped school and slept in Friday.  We didn't get in to their house and settled for bed until after 1am.  I am a firm believer that a huge part of staying well and boosting your immune system is getting enough sleep.  And we never did get sick, so maybe that does support what I'm saying.  Anyway, we left to go straight to my dad's surprise retirement party.  We were supposed to spend the morning with my mom, who flew in Thursday evening for the weekend.

The retirement party was just as perfect as it could ever be.  Michael even drove all the way up just for the party.  The thing is - it was a surprise party.  Oh how I wish it wasn't!  I hated lying all that time!  But, it was a surprise and Michael showing up was great fun.

Michael, Kara, and I came home from the party before it was over and had some quality family time. It was just as precious as can be.  We really missed Michael.  I spent that time bursting with love watching the two of them play and bond while I did laundry and got all my clean clothes ready for Michael to take home in the big suitcase for me.  I just kept a few more things for the last few days I'd be there and that way my trunk would be more empty when my mom came home with us and brought her own suitcase.

I finished laundry just in time to head out to dinner and have a wonderful evening with my family.

We all missed each other so much, it was the perfect evening.  My dad just loved his party, but he looked around Christina's living room at all of us and said this is the best thing ever.

Saturday and Sunday
Saturday and Sunday were family days.  I wasn't feeling super amazing due to female issues, so it was nice to be at my sister's house.  I got a heating pad for cramps, got any meds I needed, etc.

What great days - and we watched a bunch of NFL playoff games too.

My mom, Kara, and I drove home to Alabama on Monday.  Car time with my mom goes by in a flash.  A flash I tell you.  It's amazing.  And Kara is the best little traveler you have ever met.  It was a great day, great sunset, great traffic, etc.

When we got home, I stayed up and watched Alabama win the national championship.  It was an amazing game.  Clemson is SO GOOD.  And their quarter back is SO GOOD.  And now we are winners!  How fun to start liking football, pick a team, and they win it all the first year.

Tuesday we woke up bright and early to go to Huntsville to shop for appliances for the new house.  Mom and I went to a few stores and had lunch while we were out.  The good thing is I've already done a ton of research and I've already renovated a kitchen and used wonderful appliances, so I already know exactly what I want and exactly what it should cost.

Everything is picked out and now today, Wednesday, I think I'm going to see what a Sears Outlet store is and ask why appliances are so much cheaper there.  Maybe I can get them there!

Mom and I came home from Huntsville on a different road so we could see the new house on the way.  It's been about 2 weeks since I was last there and there are huge changes!  Of course, my mom hasn't seen it since October, so she was floored.  I'll show you the updates on another post.

Then we all went to dinner to our favorite BBQ restaurant and chilled when we got home.

All that traveling caught up with us and we all went to bed early.

Now today is Wednesday and we have another day of fun ahead of us!
