Finishing up the school year

Considering we already moved and are planning to move again, our school is going really well.  Here in Alabama, we have to count the number of days we do school.  Ugh.  Can't the quality of her work and what she learns matter more than number of days?  Numbering the days and studying the calendar is enough to make me go insane.  I am constantly checking and re-checking the tally.  I get so stressed when Kara is sick and can't do school one of the days I planned for us to do it.  Traveling isn't super fun because I'm always bringing our books and putting Kara to work.  Blah.  After this school year, we won't move twice (taking several months off), and we won't be traveling so much.  I have it under control, though.  We can take a month off in the spring to move, and still get our days in for the semester.

So, Kara is finishing up the grade she is on.  The grade doesn't matter.  She is where she is supposed to be, it doesn't matter whether she is behind or ahead.  Anyway, I think she can finish this current grade here in the rental house, then we will take time off to move across town, then we can start the next grade in the new house.

(Side note:  I seriously doubt we will need to spend a whole month moving - with 1/3 of our stuff still in boxes and my mom coming to help, I bet we do it all in one week.  I am just planning on a month off, just in case.  You know me, I'm a just in case girl.  And you know I'm already itching to start packing boxes.  It's a sickness.  ;-) )

After that, we'll go back to our usual plan of school year round and we'll bank tons of days over June and July so that when we start school back up in August, we can feel free to take a day off if we are sick or go on field trips.

So.  I have January mapped out.  After that, we have 6 more weeks of spelling (one of which is Vocab review), 6 weeks of Writing, 4 weeks of Math, 2 weeks of Reading, 4 weeks of Science, and one chapter of Health left.

While we finish that, we will continue to do cursive, History, Music, Geography, P.E., and whatever else.  Oh, I think we will take our time on the "body books" I bought a while back.

When we finish all of that and we haven't moved yet, we will finish learning state capitals (she knows 12 so far), we will do extra History, Music, Geography, and P.E.  Also, Michael has been working with her on programming.  (He and I both are very careful about not pushing it on her - he only does what she asks him to.)

All that being said, my mom is coming to visit next month and when she goes home, she's taking Kara with her.  Since I have a trip to Florida planned for two weeks later, she'll be without us for those two weeks.  Poor girl - I'm making her do school with me over Skype while she's gone!!

Finishing a grade is always fun.  Now I get to go shopping for deals on new curriculum!  :-)

Meanwhile, we are finishing up the FOURTH year of homeschool.  How fun is that?  I think we have the hang of this.  :-)


Vicky said…
moving right along.............:D