New Ideas

Today Michael told me he also wants to look at property that doesn't overlook the lake while we are in Alabama later this month.  YAY!  This is what I wanted - a zillion acres full of trees.  Well, now that he says that, I am thinking I might miss the lake view....  Don't worry, a lake view is still the #1 choice.  Anyway, we are broadening our search so we can look at everything possible when we fly down there soon.  Let me say, land in Northern Alabama is insanely cheap.  Like, 50 acres for 1/4 of our land budget kind of cheap.  We need to take a look at this, please!  (We need to remember 50 acres means a lot of tree clearing, and a long way to run electricity/gas/water/etc.  That could get pricey.)

We found properties with ponds on them, and in the right light they look SO pretty.  But, Michael knows a lot about ponds from fishing them and he reminded me they get all scummed up really easily.  Also, standing water = mosquitoes and other yucky things.  So, if any land has a pond on it, we are crossing that off the list.  Also, there are properties with caves on them!  That sounds so neat, but I'm wondering who/what would be living in those caves and we crossed that off the list too.  We like streams/creeks on the property, but you can't have to cross the stream to get to the house in case we have a lot of rain and can't leave our house because our road is flooded.

Who knew there was this much to think about?  Just wait until we build the house!  I have renovated a whole house, so I can only imagine what it will be like to build.  So.  Many.  Options.  This is an excellent time in my life to be super opinionated.

God, please continue to guide us!


Unknown said…
I didn't know you were building! Have fun! Have you picked out a house plan? By the way, my brother lives in Alabama. Where is it your looking?
jeday0323 said…
We aren't positive we're building - we may renovate - but we'd prefer to build. I have several house plan ideas on my pinterest board, but MANY more bookmarked. :-) We are waiting to see what the land looks like before we meet with an architect to plan our perfect forever house. :-)

Oh, we are looking near Huntsville, but closer to Guntersville Lake. :-)