
Seeking God is a fun thing.  Here is what I know based on what the Bible says:  God wants to be heard.  He is always available.  He has great plans for me.  His plans are even higher and greater than mine.  God speaks in whispers.  God loves being close with me.

So, all I have to do is work to hear what he is saying.  It takes commitment and time, but I really feel like after several weeks of prayer and diving deep into the Word, I've heard my first command from God concerning our move.  I'll never forget, last Tuesday night while Kara was at Awanas and I was doing my Bible study in the car, I had a conversation with God.  It was amazing and emotional.  I really felt God was telling us to start the job application process in Huntsville.  I text Michael through my tears and he said he feels he is hearing the exact same thing.

Now, this doesn't mean we are moving there.  God has called me to do several big things (job interviews, moves, buying houses, etc.) and I have obeyed (to show Him I love Him), and he didn't have these things come to fruition.  He closed the door with a very firm, "not for you, sweetie, but thank you for telling me you love Me!"  All I know is we are being called to start with job applications.

What does this mean and where do we start?  I'm not exactly sure.  Since it's not my job, Michael is taking control on this one and working with God to figure this out.  Michael said there are several opportunities in the works and he is relying on God to open the doors or close them.

Michael and I talked yesterday and wondered if maybe we should start looking at land/properties there so we can get a feel for what the market is like.  I prayed and asked God to close the door and keep me from getting ahold of someone if this wasn't a good idea.  I asked for them to be away at lunch or closed on Mondays or disconnect the phone call or something.  I want to be sure every step of the way is His will!  Well, I made a phone call, got connected right away, and worked with someone who specializes in everything we are looking for.  I sent him an email and he responded right away with a "I'm working on it right now."  Well, there ya go.

I am open to whatever God has for us.  I am not afraid or anxious about the future.  God is there waiting for me with all the answers.  He can't wait to show me.  He loves when I seek Him so intensely and He loves revealing His perfect plan to me, in His time.
