The LORD God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him." - Genesis 2:18
Well, after posting about what a busy life I have, I dropped Kara off at the airport with my parents as they flew to Florida together. I came home to a free day and two more free days ahead of me. What should I do with my free time? The first thing I thought about is poor Michael, who does not get free days. He still has to work. And he has lots of extra boring proposal meetings this week, which puts him in a bad mood. He wants to be left alone to write code - an introvert to the core.
Pretty tree at the end of my street |
So, I set off to do what I could to make his day better/easier. I ran tons of errands, including some for him. You see, we are in the process of setting up a trust. I had no idea what that meant when we started, but it basically means that besides setting up a will and living will, we will put all of our assets into a trust, making them easier for Kara to access should anything happen to Michael and I at the same time. So ALL accounts everywhere must now change the beneficiary to this trust. Michael was in charge of some accounts and I was in charge of some accounts. I decided to go ahead and do them all since I had the day free. It didn't hurt that it was pretty outside and I got to have lunch with my sister. I ran all over, made a bunch of phone calls, and worked the copier and printer to get the paperwork together. Not to mention the part time job that is our Alabama land search.
Pretty tree at the end of the next street |
I also decided to make dinner. Like, more than a sandwich, which is what we've been eating for the last several weeks around here. It's hard to go to much effort when he likes a bowl of cereal equally as much as a meal I spend an hour on. But, I thought he'd like a warm meal after his long, 12 hour work day, so I made one of my favorite meals (chicken and pasta), and had his favorite ben & jerry's in the freezer for him. I lined up all the forms he needed to sign, then promised to leave him alone the rest of the night.
He came to bed and gave me a sweet good night smile, so I think it worked and his evening was relaxing.
Now I feel a cold coming on and today is rainy and yucky. I plan to stay in pjs for quite a while, enjoying an extra cup of coffee and a good movie I never get to watch because Kara is always with me. I will do laundry and pack, then run to the post office later. And I'll think of something good for dinner for Michael.
UPDATE: Michael took me to Panera Bread for dinner tonight. :-)
Meanwhile, Kara is relaxing in Florida |