Slow Summer Days

As we get closer to our big trip, we are getting ready for a big break from school.  I plan to take 3 weeks off.  The thing is, I love it (the teaching, the planning, all of it), so I'm kind of sad, but I know Kara's thrilled.  :-)  This week we're doing a half week (just Bible, English, and Math).  The rest of the time I'm getting things done and spending time by the pool with friends.  Anything to stay busy and help the time pass quickly.  Tuesday and today (Thursday) will be pool days with friends and yesterday was hard core errands.

Michael's truck needed the oil changed, and around here that's my job.  (All marriages work differently, but here in the Day house, we decided Michael's job is to go to work and my job is to do everything else.  Especially with how many hours he needs to work, it just makes sense that my job is to support him 100%, chores and errands included.  Back when we both worked full time and didn't have kids, we split the chores/errands right down the middle.)  Anyway, now that he has the new truck, he has free maintenance at the car dealership for life.  That's pretty nice!  The problem is, if we do anything anywhere else, even oil changes, the free maintenance for life is void.  Yikes.  So, for now we are doing oil changes at the dealership.  The problem is, it takes forever.  Our wait yesterday was 3 hours.  Of course, if I knew it was going to be that long, I may have just come back home (well, maybe not because I had so much I needed to do), but they said 2 hours, so we waited around nearby and ran some errands and had lunch.

My errands included:
 * oil change
 * Chick Fil A
 * Bath & Body Works (I needed my favorite lotion for my trip)
 * Victoria's Secret (gift card for bridal shower)
 * Hallmark (card for bridal shower)
 * FYE (Rio 2 for Kara, 2 sets of headphones on sale)
 * Shoe Dept (their sizes don't go above 9, so I walked out of there)
 * Payless (looked for shoes for my trip, found 2 great pairs of shoes on sale, but they may not be right for the trip)
 * Walgreens (for motion sickness medicine)
 * Dollar Tree (for gum balls that Kara loves to have while we do school)
 * Bed Bath & Beyond (for bridal shower)
 * mom's house (found the right shoes for my trip!)

Whew!  That was a long day and my mom drove me around for all of it while Michael's truck was getting the oil changed.  It was so productive!  The only thing left on my list is the library for books for the plane, but I'm waiting until they're all sent to my branch before I go.  Also, I'm thinking of running to the store to buy my favorite pans for this bride in addition to the ones she asked for.

Poor Kara hated it, but she had to suck it up.  We brought her birthday money with her and this is what she bought with it so far:
 * starbursts
 * twizzlers
 * runts from the candy machine at the mall
 * a combination lock
lol!  I forget what it was like to be 8.  I can't remember what I would have spent my birthday money on.  Of course, I don't believe I ever got birthday money.  Kara has two sets of adoring grandparents and my aunt&uncle who are so sweet to her.  I never had any of that.  My parents always bought me presents though!

Like I said, today is school in the morning (all about verbs), then pool with friends.  I LOVE that my parents have a pool.  AND that they let me use it all the time WITH friends.  Such a great deal.  :-)

Happy Thursday guys!


Elisabeth said…
I remember spending my money at toys r us. Stuffed animals, my little pony, and one year a boom box (I bet I was older than 8 that year). Hannah spends most of her money on shoes. She bought a $35 pair of ugly heels/pumps ut it was her money so I let her!
jeday0323 said…
I'm with you, Liz, toys r us is what I would have done. There are no toys Kara wants - she doesn't watch commercials that tell her what toys to buy, so she doesn't feel like she's missing anything. Besides, she's my techno-girl. She actually spent $10 of her money on a program for her computer recently. Oh, and $5 for something else.
Unknown said…
At 8 years was all about Barbie for me!!!!
jeday0323 said…
Kara doesn't do barbies or any dolls, for that matter. (Not that I'm complaining!)