Typical Monday

This has been a typical Monday for me.  I LOVE Mondays.

I woke to my alarm at 7:15.  I checked email, checked Facebook, did my good morning girls Bible study, and read a blog post or two.

I got in the shower around 7:45 and did hair, makeup, dressed, breakfast, coffee, etc, so I could head out by 8:45.

By 9 I was praying with the teller committee over the money and God's hand in everyone's life who gave, like we do every week.  Then I was entering all the info into system.  By the time we were done with two separate deposits and it was time to go to the bank, it was 12:15.  I came back to the church to run my reports.  Meanwhile, working at church means I get to wish our secretary a happy 46th anniversary at her job, I got to see a picture of our preschool leader's brand new baby (just delivered this morning), I get to see the little boy who was near and dear to my heart (ever since he was 1) who has graduated from high school and is working at the church with ambitions to be a pastor, and much more.  This military girl has been at this church for 19 years and for once in my life, I'm not the new girl.

I was done by 2 and super ready for lunch, so I swung by Chick Fil A on my way to get Kara.  I ate at my mom's table while we talked for like 30 minutes, even though we could have talked for 30 hours.

I headed home with Kara at 2:45 and we reviewed the math work she did today with my mom.  Then she got to work on her computer.  She doesn't play Minecraft as much - she's more about writing code.  She also plays role playing games where she is a wolf or big cat or something.  Then she goes and writes code, creating her own game with wolves.

I checked into when the homeschool books I just ordered are coming in.

I checked into jet skis for rent while we are on vacation in Deep Creek Lake later.

I made Kara dinner.

Here it is 4:50pm and my day is close to over!  Michael will be in bed by 6.  I will do Bible study or lesson plans or school research or chores, or all of those until 7:30, when I will be pointing Kara to bath time.  When she's done, we'll read her book (right now we're reading the Little House books) for an hour or an hour and a half.  By 9:15 or 9:30 I'll set her sleep timer on her tv and I'll head to bed.  I'll listen to an audiobook while I play solitaire for half an hour to wind down.

Then Tuesday morning I wake up to do a full day of school with Kara!

I heart Mondays.  :-)


Kattrina said…
I love the Little House books! We used to watch Little House on the Prairie in Japanese in Japan all the time too. Such a great series!!
jeday0323 said…
I have never read the books or seen the show. It's all new to me and to Kara. I love experiencing these with her!

After the Little House books, we're going to read the Pipi Longstocking books.