Day of Rest

I love Sundays.  I am trying to get into the habit of making it my day of rest, as it was designed to be.

I adore worshiping at my church.  I've been attending there for 19 years now and I've seen a lot of growth and transformation.  It's exciting.  But, I love the songs and I love the sermons.  Right now we're doing a series on ignoring the "voices" and focusing on The Voice of God.  It's so good.

Then we drop Kara off with my parents and head out to lunch.  I look forward to this lunch date with Michael all week long.  He works so much and so hard all week that we go several days without talking much.  I can see on his face that it's been a long day and I zip my lips and give him quiet.  After a long day at work, it's the best thing I can give him.  But at lunch, we get to catch up and laugh and talk and just be "us."  (Shout out to my parents who keep Kara for us so we can do this!)

Then we watch movies together or whatever until it's time to play bridge with our friends.  This is our standing double date.  Michael and I are on opposite teams and have a friendly competition going the whole time.  You see, fishing is his thing.  I would totally get into it and do it with him, but he enjoys that on his own.  I have my own things that he has no interest in.  This is the thing we do together.  Play cards.  For hours.  And it never gets old.

I work to try to have all my lesson plans, chores, even laundry done before Sunday.  It doesn't always happen, but I try.

I heart Sundays.  :-)


Kattrina said…
Sound like a fun and relaxing day! I tend to have a super, super busy Sunday - cooking, laundry, more cooking, etc. Ivan and I love golfing together - although it's hard now because we don't really have anyone to watch Evan.
jeday0323 said…
I know what you mean, Kattrina, it wasn't always this way! My Friday nights and Saturdays are more full so my Sundays can be more empty. Like I said, I don't always have this much time off, but I'm consciously trying.