Math Success!

I need an exclamation point for this one.  Today's math was a success!

We started with multiplication and division word problems.  Kara loved these, and she did these very well.  She loves word problems and they just make sense to her.  We just did 2 of each, then I had her write an addition word problem for me and a subtraction word problem for me.  She loves taking the teacher role.

After shopping at a book store for interesting math books (and coming up empty), I saw multiplication flash cards that are supposed to be used for a game.  They call it multiplication war or something like that.  She and I play just the two of us, but I suppose it could be played with more people.  Everyone turns a card over at the same time.  We all say what our card's product is, and the largest one wins.  There are wild cards, and if you say your product wrong, you lose even if your product is higher than the other's.

If you win, you collect both the cards and add to the bottom of your pile.  The one with the larger pile at the end of the game wins.  (But we're all winners when we're doing math!)  She was having so much fun with it that afterwards she said, "Wow, that was fun!  It was good for your brain too, huh?"  That's the point, my dear!  So, learning multiplication tables the way I did is boring, but this game was a hit.  I took out the higher, harder cards so we could practice with the easier ones our first time, but we'll add them slowly as we go.

After all of that success, I decided to try the sample problems with a new math curriculum I found online.  I researched match curriculums for DAYS and really think this is the one for us.  She did really, really well with it (it's all on the computer, which she loved, and the more answers you got right, the closer you got to defrosting the penguin, giving the bunny carrots, etc.).  So, we bit the bullet and ordered the full year's curriculum for a HEFTY price.  I'm sure hoping we love it!

(Just in case you guys care, we're going to use Teaching Textbooks.  There are reviews everywhere, but this one explains a lot about it with screen shots.)

Now, I just hope she continues to like all of these well into the future.  If not, I'll be looking for something new.  :-)

(P.S.  I just found out the new math curriculum we starting in January is fifth grade math, not fourth grade math!  No wonder it was boring and a bit over her head.)
