Busy, busy

Monday was a crazy day.  I didn't have a free second all day.  It was a good day, though!

I woke up to get ready to count the tithe at church.  With it being Easter Sunday, I knew there would be more loose cash people put in the plate and there would be many new families to add to the system.  On my way to the church, I dropped off Kara's history books so she could do school with Grandma, I called and rescheduled Michael's dentist appointment, and I made an appointment with Vision Works to get Kara's eyes tested because she's been complaining of headaches just about every day lately.  Whew, it's only 9:00!  Thank goodness for bluetooth, right?

We counted the tithe, which took a long time, and I ran all my reports - kind of at the same time.  Can we say multi-task?  That's the earliest I've ever been done with that - I was done by 12:30.  Then I heated up a few cheesy meatballs I brought for myself for a snack, and ate them in the car while I called Vision Works again to get their location in the mall.  (It's a very large mall and didn't want to spend 20 minutes wandering around the mile long hallways to try to find the place.)  Then I picked Kara and my mom up for the appointment. (Grandma wanted to be there to help Kara pick out her frames.)

Plenty of paperwork, loads of money, and an eye test later, we're leaving around 2:30 with a prescription (my baby is far sighted with an astigmatism) and we're dropping Grandma off at home.   The glasses will be ready at 4:30, so this is the perfect time to go get our hair cut, something we've needed to do badly for a while now.

2 shampoos, 2 trims, and 2 bottles of shampoo/conditioner later, it's 3:30 and we're on our way to the mall.  We went to the lego store, went to the book store to buy Kara a new Bible, which we've been meaning to do for a long time (she's been sharing mine or using biblegateway.com up until now), and had some dinner in the food court.  Then, the glasses were ready, they fit them to her face, and she is the happiest girl ever.  She says Mondays are her favorite day of the week.

We stopped by Grandma's house so Grandpa could see the new glasses.  She wanted to stay there longer, but now it's 5:30 and Michael will want to go to sleep in 1 hour.  So, we go home, I shower (getting a haircut makes me so itchy!), dry my hair, do yesterday's dishes, and get my bedroom ready for Michael to sleep (close curtains, clear my stuff out of there, turn on white noise machine, etc.).  Now it's Kara's bath time, but she's old enough to do this on her own.

We head into the homeschool room, which is where we usually hang out while Michael's asleep.  I have emails, Facebook messages, bills, Bible study, etc. to do.  I'm checking her work from today and getting ready for school tomorrow.  Now it's Kara's bed time and as I give her her new Bible, she says she wants to read some now and start with Revelation.  I suggested a few other places, since Revelation is hard to understand.  That led to all sorts of questions about heaven and eternity.  As I told her the good news of what she can expect, her eyes welled up with tears of joy at the thought of spending eternity with God.  Oh, my it was beautiful.  It was hard to tear myself away from that conversation, but she was asking about specifics - and I am not sure if there will be grass or mountains in heaven.

Next, I'm back in the homeschool room, and I come across a book that I wanted to check out that was written by a lady who goes to our church, a sweet woman who was in a Bible study of mine, someone who is working on our team to plan the Women's Retreat.  I wanted to be familiar with her work.  Next thing I know, it's 11:30 and I've read the whole book in one sitting.  Whew, it was a good book.  Very powerful.  It's all about her 8 miscarriages and one baby that made it to be born, only to die 15 days later.  Her story was gut wrenching, but she walked with God through it and it is ultimately about a Savior that loves us and wants what's best for us.  Even if that means some women can't be mothers.  And how she dealt with grief and found joy again through scripture.

And that was my day!  Today isn't quite as busy, but we'll have stuff do to all day.  AND, our new Math curriculum comes in the mail today.  It's like Christmas for this homeschool mom.  A fresh, clean, brand new book comes with a zillion crisp pages ready to be written on.  *sigh*  I'm glad tomorrow is Math day - I'm not sure I could wait any longer.  :-)

Happy Tuesday everyone!


Elisabeth said…
Can't wait to see pictures of Kara in her new glasses. Maybe it will convince her to wear her glasses again. She still needs them but went from loving them to hating them in one day. I think someone made fun of her at school. So she often has headaches but won't wear them anymore.
Elisabeth said…
Oops, that should have said maybe it will convince Hannah, not her.