Hi, My Name is Martha

I don't know if you're familiar with the sisters in the Bible named Mary and Martha, but basically the story goes like this:  Jesus comes to their house, and while Mary is totally captivated by her Messiah (listening at His feet), she leaves Martha to do all the work preparing in the kitchen for their guests.  Martha is furious and asks Jesus to please ask Mary to help.  But Jesus says, "Martha, Martha, you are worried and troubled about many things. But one thing is needed, and Mary has chosen that good part, which will not be taken away from her."

I am most definitely a Martha.  What I took from this message when I first heard it years ago was that being a Martha is wrong and I must spend the rest of my days undoing how God made me.  I must be different.  I was built wrong.

Of course that is totally untrue and it took way too long to get that.  Ultimately, it's about where our hearts are.  Are we stuck in the kitchen and resentful for all those who won't help us, or is our heart with Jesus 24/7?  The dishes must be done.  The groceries must be bought.  We can't just not do those things so we can pray at Jesus' feet all day.  BUT, we can bring Him with us.

I understand that now, but still struggle with it.  You've read how much I've been struggling with busyness this year.  So, my therapist assigned me to read "Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World."

So far, it's been a very good book, and I'm only on chapter 2!  Here is an excerpt from chapter 2 that floored me.  Why don't we do more studies on this?

"Warning Signs of a Martha Overload

You may be prone to the kind of perfectionist overload Martha experienced in Bethany.  Carol Travilla, in her book Caring Without Wearing, lists five unrealistic expectations that can contribute to servant burnout.  Can you see yourself in the following false beliefs?
  * There should not be any limits to what I can do.
  * I have the capacity to help everyone.
  * I am the only person available to help.
  * I must never make a mistake.
  * I have the ability to change another person.

"What you are doing is not good....You will only wear yourselves out.  The work is too heavy for you; you cannot handle it alone."  -- Exodus 18:17-18"

I was in tears after reading that.  It's totally me!  And I'm burned out!  And my faith is struggling because of it.  I think I need to read Caring Without Wearing next.

Anyway, I hope none of those bullet points apply to you because that is not what we were designed to be.  Life was not meant to be put entirely on our shoulders.

I pray this has been a blessing and a relief to you as it was to me.  :-)
