
Nothing makes me happier than hosting a party, especially planning and cooking/baking for it.  (*** Warning:  I only like hosting grown ups.  I'm not good at hosting kids.  The older Kara gets, the more we are turning back into a grown up house with new carpet, non-washable markers, glass vases and sharp corners everywhere, etc.  Truth be told, I'd prefer the grown ups take their shoes off - that's how we were raised - it keeps dirt out, and protects the floors, especially carpet, from being ground by dirt and worn away too fast.)

You may know that we don't watch football in our house.  If Michael was into it, I probably would get into it.  If we had a team we loved, we probably would watch it, but we don't.  Michael grew up playing basketball and loved watching it, particularly college basketball, but no one around here watches it, so that fell away.  Let's be honest, I don't understand all of the rules to football.  I understand you have 4 chances to go 10 yards.  But I don't understand how sometimes it's offsides and sometimes it's not.  They look the same to me.   I don't understand how you can tackle someone by taking out their kneecaps, but not their facemask, collar of their shirt, hair, or hem of their shirt.  I thought you were just supposed to knock them down, no matter how.  Also, these words mean nothing to me:  pass interference, safety, etc.

Anyway, the Superbowl is still a great opportunity to have friends over and cook for them!  The commercials are great, the halftime show (can be) great, and I love the friends that are coming.  THEY love football, which makes it fun.  And, hey, I understand that you have 4 chances to go 10 yards.  Go team!

Today is the day I finalize my menu and go shopping.  This is so much fun for me!  This year's menu has a twist.  Superbowl food is usually 'beer food' - while none of us drink beer, all the chips and dips go much better with beer.  This year my guests are bringing their favorite wine, so I'm going to mix in 'wine food' with the 'beer food' to make a unique menu.  This is going to be awesome!
