Thanksgiving Eve

I get to host Thanksgiving this year and I'm absolutely thrilled.  I love, love, love cooking, I love having my family over to my house any, any, any time.  Not to mention I get to use every cool part of my fancy new dream kitchen.  :-)

So, here is what I got accomplished today:

 I love starting with a counter full of ingredients.  (No, I didn't use all that butter or all that sugar, I was just getting everything out within arms reach.)

 First I put the sweet potatoes in the oven.  I lined a sheet pan with that super duper non-stick liner thing all the food network ladies use.  I bought some last year and will never turn back.

 Next was banana bread.  It may not be on your Thanksgiving menu, but it's the only dessert my brother likes, and I will make it for him any chance I get.  I decided to make a double recipe and serve them to everyone as appetizers and send him home with a bunch.  Not to mention, Kara LOVES these.  And Kara doesn't like anything.  These were my 5th and 6th bananas.  :-)

 Aren't they cute?

 They're so cute and tiny, you can fit a whole one in your mouth.  Not that I know that.  Er, so I've been told.  *ahem*

 I put this picture on facebook.  I roast the sweet potatoes until they do this.  When they're super drippy, they're ready.  An hour and a half or two hours.  Yes.

While the sweet potatoes cooled, I ate lunch, did dishes, made several more mini muffins (I only have 1 pan and made 3 pans worth).  Then my camera battery died, so when I charged the battery, I ended up forgetting to take any more pictures!  Well, let's jump ahead a few hours, shall we?

Sweet potato casserole without the topping.  This recipe comes from a southern woman, so it has loads of butter, sugar, pecans, and all other goodness.

 Look at all my mini muffins!

 My other Thanksgiving-alternative dessert.  It's the marshmallow brownies.  Insanely delicious.  (I don't like pumpkin pie or apple pie - my mom is bringing both.)

 Cheeseball - Jessica's recipe - classic

 Two trays of 12 dinner rolls each, from scratch.  These are so good!

 Two bagettes

 I also started on the table, but didn't get very far - just plates and chargers

I went with chargers that would match the room and classic white round plates.  Wait till you see the pretty napkins and rings.  :-)

I'm blissed out in cooking, family, holiday, traditions, hosting, planning world.  <3

Happy Thanksgiving!
