It's been a while

It's been a while since I posted last.  Sometimes that's a good thing, sometimes it's not.

Unfortunately, this time it's not.

Lots of stressful things going on here.  And my anxiety ridden brain is having a hard time with them all.

But, God is good.  All the time.  ALL the time.  And I love Him, even when I don't understand His ways and it makes me mad.  And He gave me Kara, who is nothing but a sweet ray of sunshine in my life.  And He gave me Michael, who is my best friend and who just spends the day reading his book on the couch next to me and I feel all better.  And He gave me parents who step in and help when I'm a puffy faced blubbering mess.

I'm feeling like I need a support system.  But feeling like running away at the same time.  Gonna get back on xanax full time again and bump up the therapy visits.  I need help and the best thing for me is to admit it and get it!

In other news, homeschool is still fabulous.  Kara and I have so much fun.  Since we started school back in June, I signed up for our homeschool review to be last week instead of in January.  We had loads of stuff to share and I kind of wanted to get it out of the way.  It went well and was just what I needed last week during a rough week!  Now we're good to go until the next review, which will be in April.

Kara is still so into wolves, so I set up a tour with a local-ish wolf sanctuary.  We are going to tour several packs in a 90 minute extravaganza!  I can't wait to get away and spend some time with Kara.  It's going to be a blast.

Why can't life be just me with my little family of three?  Sometimes it seems like life would be so much simpler.  And selfish.

Pray for me, my friends.


Doug said…
One thing you have to keep in mind...God cannot grow you unless you experience some trials and tribulations. That is why he gave you a family to rely on...for support and to be there for you while you go through stuff. Look at it as a blessing and not a curse.
Doug said…
One thing you have to keep in mind...God cannot grow you unless you experience some trials and tribulations. That is why he gave you a family to rely on...for support and to be there for you while you go through stuff. Look at it as a blessing and not a curse.