Back in the Saddle Again

Among a bunch of other chores, today I was able to get one week's worth of lesson plans done.  I wanted to do 3-5 weeks, so I'd say I still have a ways to go.  I want to do a Christmas unit, so I'm starting with a chapter book called something like the 'Reindeer that wore striped pajamas.'  It's cute and silly and I think totally interesting for my 7 year old.

We are pretty much done with 3rd grade math, but we have a ways to go in English.  Her spelling skills are excellent, vocabulary is easy to work into everyday conversation and books we read, grammar is so-so, but we need to do all the main idea, theme, fiction vs non-fiction, that sort of thing.  There is soooooo much English stuff to learn in 3rd grade.  Venn diagrams, anyone?  Man, I love venn diagrams.  Fortunately, Kara does too - good thing, we're about to do a boat load of them.

We are going to do some grammar stuff - quotations and paragraphs this week.  We're going to build up to sentence structure, all the while mixing things in like similies, prefixes, and synonyms.  But, that's later.  Quotations and paragraphs for now.

For health, we're going to continue and finish our discussion on vitamins.  For math and science, we're baking.  She needs to use a graduated cylinder for both subjects, so I say we make cookies and measure the ingredients with my graduated cylinder shaped measuring cup I bought from Pampered Chef.  Then we will use other measuring cups and do loads of fraction stuff with those.  We'll also see 'what happens to things when you change the temperature,' as requested by my science teaching materials.  We will melt chocolate, freeze water, boil an egg, etc.  Also, while freezing water, we'll discuss solid, liquid, and gas.  While measuring, we'll also discuss cup, pint, quart, gallon, milliliter, liter.

We're going to work on geography this week for social studies.  Reading maps - north, south, east, west, northeast, northwest, southeast, southwest.  We'll also talk about distance scales, hemispheres, longitude, and latitude.

We have horse lessons and pottery for P.E. and art, then singing at church for music.  BUT, there will be loads of extra art and music since we're doing a Christmas unit.  :-)

Finally, for writing and art, we're going to write a letter and draw pictures to be mailed overseas to soldiers - thanking them for serving our country and wishing them a merry Christmas.

Oh!  And don't forget, we will be using our Awanas book for our Bible lessons.

Whew!  I'm tired already.  :-)

Not really, it feels good to be getting back into school.
