Pray a little prayer

I'm feeling better.  I have a plan.  :-) 

I'm praying for my father-in-law today.  He started treatment for his stage 4 melanoma.  My mother-in-law is posting updates on facebook (which is greatly appreciated!) and I saw a picture of him after his port was installed (is that the right word?) with a big old grin on his face.  I love his attitude!

I'm praying for my friend with debilitating postpartum depression.

I'm praying for my friend whose daughter's special needs are so awful.

I'm praying for my friend who's mother is dying of osteoporosis, who's days are spent by her bedside instead of with the many other family members who need her.

I'm praying for my parents' house guests who are starting over at 47.

I'm praying a lot these days.  :-)

Join me, will you?

Dear Lord,

You are so good and so majestic and sometimes it's easy to forget that.  You are mighty and strong and created the whole universe.  God, I thank You for Your power and Your love and Your glory.  I pray that You help me to stay focused on that during tough times.

Lord, my dear friends lives are extremely difficult right now and I feel helpless.  Please help me to give them over to You and please bless and change their lives.  Lord, so much is broken, but this is a fallen world and not everything will be perfect, or even good.  Lord, I ask that Your will be done.  And that no matter what hissy fit I throw afterwards, that You please forgive me for any lack of faith I have.

I thank You for the many blessings we all have in these spoiled American lives.  I thank You for sending Your Son to die for us so that our futures can be secure.

I love you, Father God.
In Jesus Name,
