Shoe boxes

Tonight Kara and I packed our shoe boxes for Operation Christmas Child.  I've always been passionate about this, but when my friend who served in Iraq in the Marines told me the story of when he saw those delivered, it grew.  A big ol' Marine, who saw war, who watched buddies die, all at a ripe old age of 19, this Marine teared up and said he watched the kids receive boxes and he couldn't express how much those shoeboxes changed those little kids lives.  Those kids who have nothing.  Most didn't even have shoes.  Oh my goodness, I'm even more encouraged.

Most years, Kara kind of helps for a few minutes and then gets bored and wanders away.  This year I had her do them all with me.  She picked who got what, she made the labels, etc.  Yes, she is 7 and got bored because it takes a while to pack all 9 boxes; but we prayed over the boxes and talked a lot about why we packed them, what the kids lives are like, and how these will impact their little lives.

If I'm totally honest, I don't think my sweet little darling totally cared - 7 is a pretty selfish age.  (Then again, 33 is pretty selfish sometimes too.)  Anyway, I think it was too far away and abstract - so we are going to watch a few videos of kids receiving them on you tube and continue to pray for those little box receivers until Christmas.

Merry Thanksgiving/Christmas Season!  A time for being grateful the Son of man was sent to this earth, and to give thanks for the many blessings in our lives because He was sent.


Unknown said…
I'm going to do that this year too!!! The Angel Tree at church has diminished to something I don't like, so I decided this year we would do Operation Christmas Child instead. Kayla is doing it in a class at school too.
jeday0323 said…
Awesome, Stephanie! Go to youtube and watch the videos of the kids receiving the boxes. You'll cry and cry and cry. One little boy said they don't have enough toothbrushes at the orphanage and have to share. He was thrilled just to get his own toothbrush in his Operation Christmas Child shoebox. *sob* And here I go again....
Unknown said…
Oh my gosh! I'll wait and watch when the kids are home so they can see it too. Maybe it will inspire Dylan to be more grateful! On second thought....maybe I SHOULD watch now so I can get my crying out. Oh nevermind. I'll probably cry everytime.