Wisdom according to Kara

Kara spends most mornings quietly eating her breakfast and drinking her milk while watching cartoons.  She's in a great mood, just tired.  Like both her parents, she's a night owl, so 6:45 is awfully early to her.  So, usually we don't get a whole lot of conversation in before she gets to school, but here are a few gems from today:

  * While going to the bathroom, she sang, "My mom-EE is the mom-EE I've been wishin' for!"
  * While washing her hands, she said "The soap dispenser's throw up is soap."
  * While praying for a friend going into surgery today, she prayed "Dear God.  Please let Ms. Amy not be scared about her surgery today.  And please help her not die.  Amen."

Ah, it's fun living with a 5 year old!  Lol!

Kara still makes videos all the time.  Here is one she made of Michael playing ball with her.  I think it's hilarious that the ball hits her on the head and she drops the camera!
