Nurse Mommy

Maybe you always knew you wanted to be a nurse.  Maybe that desire to take care of others has been in you since you were little.  Maybe you are a teacher, a day care provider, an occupational therapist.  I, however, am not.  I never had something in me pulling me to care for other sick people.  I am an engineer - I like puzzles and logic and solving things.  I love numbers and other languages (programming languages, speaking languages, codes, etc.).  So when I became a mommy and realized it was up to me to take care of this baby, even when she was sick, I was out of my element.  I decided to approach it like solving a puzzle.  As a baby, Kara couldn't tell me what hurt, so the puzzle was even harder to solve.  But now, we have encountered many illnesses and I actually know what to do.  I know when to expect Kara will get a diaper rash, I know when to expect an ear infection, I know what a fever means and how to treat them all - what works for her anyway.  I honestly never thought I'd be good at this, but I finally am!  So when Kara's cold symptoms have been dragging on for days, and Kara woke up with a wet pull up, I was not surprised when she couldn't move and said she couldn't go to school because she had a diaper rash.  She couldn't sit - not on the bus, not on those hard little plastic chairs, not on the little rug they all sit on.  I called her out sick and went straight for the desitin and turned into nurse mommy.  She is now good to go and I love yet another aspect of motherhood.  :-)


Vicky said…
God puts that instinct in mothers.....some just have to work at it more! You are seeing the fruits of your labor! Poor little Kara! Hope she is better soon! Give her xoxoxo from her mamaw!