Tis the Season to be......sick

We're doing really well so far this year with illnesses.  My little girl who never went to day care was pretty sick last year in preschool - her first year exposed to germs (outside of family germs and church germs).  She was out QUITE a bit, and I usually got most things she caught.  This year we're doing really well - Kara has had the sniffles off and on, but she begs me to still let her go to school, and as long as she doesn't have a fever (or a diaper rash), that's fine with me.  Well, just like her mother, when Kara has too much mucus in her belly, her belly gets rid of it.  Yeah.  She threw up this morning - I'm thinking that's what it was because (after a 2 hour nap), she was right as rain!  My stomach has been kind of yucky the last few days, and my throat hurts, so I can see the correlation.  I wish I didn't pass that gene onto my little one!

So, our Saturday, today, was supposed to be full of fun things - a party and a fancy dinner - but we stayed home and dealt with vomit and upset tummies instead.  God knows where we're supposed to be, and right here in my bed is where He put us today.  I trust His judgement and am happy to be in His will!  Kara and I are having toast for dinner tonight while Michael stays as far away from us as he can.  :-)
