Testify and a Quick Update

I have been doing an amazing Bible study this summer. God has been working to reveal Himself to me in ways I never knew before and change my life. It's on the fruit of the Spirit. The week I studied peace, I lost my wallet on vacation. What a hassle! But I felt peace like you wouldn't believe because I had God's peace flowing through me. I worked for about a solid week making phone calls and running errands to get that fixed. The week I studied patience, I got a flat tire on the way to pick up Kara - 7 hours from home. No one was available to help. I calmly called AAA, something God led me to sign up for just two months before that. The nicest guy in the world showed up 10 minutes later to change our tire and we were on our way. The week I studied gentleness, my basement flooded. I learned having the Lord's gentleness is not about being a weakling or spineless - it's about letting God's will be done. My basement flooded - I believe it was God's will. And I have to say, I never felt a moment of stress. I'm actually happy to let God's will be done. Being in His will is where I want to be! My flesh used to feel VERY anxious and upset about these sorts of things. My heart would beat fast and panic would overcome me sometimes. The Spirit is keeping me calm and focused on Him and "I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me" even if that just means keeping calm. I've been praying all summer for God to fill me so full of his Spirit that it overflows. That it overshadows my flesh. And it worked because "when you seek Him, you will find Him." I wonder what will happen when I study self control. :-)

Quick update on the flood:
* The clean up crew guys came the same day even though they have been working like 30 hours straight. They cleared out the basement, treated it with a chemical to clean the dirty water and prevent it from molding, and set up fans. They were SO nice and cracking jokes. They really made the experience a good one. I made sure to get a bunch of their cards so I could hand them out. God led me through a few companies when I was searching the internet and several kept me on hold too long, or didn't answer the phone. This was like the 5th company I called and they came out same day and were so great. Do I think God directed me to call them? Absolutely.
* The great clean up guys brought everything to my curb insisting that after a natural disaster, most garbage men will collect more than the usual trash. We had shelves, a mattress, all our baseboards, and TONS of soaking wet heavy carpet, just to name a few things. I heard the garbage truck pull up (which was mercifully the day after our flood) and I ran out to greet the garbage men. I asked them if they would take all of that for me since our basement flooded and they nodded yes. I was so touched and said thank you so much. They got huge grins on their faces. I don't think people thank them very much for anything. I want to work on that.....

Today the clean up crew guys are coming to pick up their fans and dehumidifier (which was the size of my washing machine!). We're also waiting to hear back from the insurance company. They are swamped after the storm, so I'm giving them until Friday before I start bugging them. My best friend's husband is a contractor, so he will probably be helping me put the basement back together again.

By the way, no kindergarten pictures because school keeps getting canceled. They have closed her school because there are SO MANY power outages in our county. She's bummed, but I told her there will be plenty of days she can go to kindergarten.
