The Flood

We made it all night with a dry house. The wind and rain was a lot louder and more intense than I thought it would be, but the house did great. (I've been in a hurricane before - Isabel in 2003, but I don't remember it being this loud.) Michael set his alarm for every hour so he could check the sump pump through the night. Everything was going great. By 9am we were getting ready for church and did one last check. The sump pump was on - constantly. There was no empty, fill up, empty, fill up, etc. It was just constantly on. I thought that was weird, but I've never seen how a sump pump is supposed to work when we get 4+ inches of rain in less than 24 hours.

We came home from church at 11am to this:
Looking down the stairs

The bathroom

Looking down the hallway

Looking down the hallway the other direction

Into the laundry room

Michael getting started in the laundry room. We LOVE our new shopvac!

We called my parents, my sister and her husband, and a friend of the family over to help. About 3 hours later we had all the small things moved upstairs (you know the clutter is driving me crazy already), half of the carpet ripped up and removed, a new sump pump installed, a call placed to our insurance company, and an appointment made for 8pm tonight for a professional company to come remove stuff and dry us out. They will prevent any mold from growing too.

It was quite a long day since we were all up all night last night with the storm, but I'm feeling loved and blessed. All I thought about all day was the family in Virginia who's son was killed from a tree falling on their house during the hurricane. They would give anything to have a flooded basement instead of a dead child. I am so glad we are all safe, I don't even mind some of our stuff is ruined/wet. God is still good ALL the time! Praise Him!!

Side note: I was nervous about Kara's first day of kindergarten, but it is far from my mind now! (Although her first day was canceled because of power outages.)


Kattrina said…
Oh no, sorry to hear about the flood. What a pain! We didn't have much here, but we live on the second floor so a flood would have been unlikely. We did sleep in the dining room in case the wind broke the windows or a tree came down, but nothing happened. I was quite relieved! Hope everything works out and you can get things back to normal soon!
Madamommy said…
Oh no! That's just awful!
Vicky said…
I hadn't heard about the child dying in Virgina. Yes, God is good, even when we don't understand why some things happen the way they do! Love you all!