
The new guest bedroom

Kara's new (old) room

For the last few months, Kara has been waking up around 5am and I can't figure out why. I think it is because her room is on the front of the house and she may hear people getting in their cars, or dogs barking, or the garbage man. Or, I never could get black out curtains that fit the windows in her room like the ones in her old nursery, so maybe with the sun rising earlier she couldn't sleep through the light. Or, with her room being over the garage and right next to Michael's bathroom, maybe she heard him wake up. Either way, I decided to switch her room back to the one she used to be in when she was a baby. My mom came over to help me move furniture, which was greatly appreciated! Tonight is Kara's first night in there - I hope it's a good one!


Vicky said…
Is the "new" guest room upstairs or downstairs? Looks nice either way!
Elisabeth said…
you could do like we do with Ryan and tell her not to come out of her room or tell her to go turn on the tv and get some cereal.
jessicaday said…
The new guest bedroom is upstairs - the one in the basement still looks the same. :-)
I do tell her to stay in her room, and she does, but her whole day at school is messed up when she's that tired. Then she needs a nap, then she stays up later that night, then she sleeps later the next morning, etc, etc, etc. I'm ready for summer vacation when it doesn't matter!!
Anonymous said…
If it still doesn't work, get a sound machine! It is the greatest thing ever invented! I tell people all the time! A little white noise goes a LONG way! Trust me!!! All three of mine have them! STILL!!!
jessicaday said…
We've had a white noise machine her whole life. I agree - it makes a big difference, but we live in too busy of a neighborhood, I guess.