
As I do a study on David, his sweet and dear friend Jonathan surely came up. Jonathan loved David like his own brother, like his own self. Jonathan made a covenant with David to always be on his side and to help protect him. His love for David was so beautiful and special. I have a friend like that. I understand how Jonathan felt. My friend is Lara, of course. God brought us together. God keeps us together. God speaks to us through each other. We love each other as we love ourselves. We're like sisters. I truly hope you have a friend like that. It's priceless.


Anonymous said…
Friends are such blessings! I do have a friend like that and I miss her SO much! She lives about four hours away and I only see her once or twice a YEAR!!! I have lots of other friends. Lots and lots of close friends, but....there's something about one. And my "one" is Cathy. Been my best friend since we were little! I'm missing her more since I'm thinking about her now!!!
jessicaday said…
Aw, Stephanie, I'm sorry to hear your friend lives so far away. Mine moved an hour away and we only see each other once a month, but we call/email/etc as often as possible. I'm sure you do with Cathy too. Give her a call today - I'm sure she'll love it. :-)
Vicky said…
Well, being a pastor's wife leaves the opportunity for really close friends out for the most part. But I would have to say my girls are my closest "friends" besides Susie that I used to work with. But, I'm OK with that bcuz I'm fine with the way things have to be. Except that I would LOVE to be closer to my girls, but the LORD know that!