Kindergarten Orientation

For a few weeks I was feeling uneasy about Kara going to kindergarten. I couldn't tell if I was just a nervous mommy or if I was supposed to put her in private school (a decision I spent a long time praying about). You know how God makes you feel uneasy when you're not living according to His plan (especially when you ask for it)? So I prayed God would tell me what I was supposed to do. Monday was the orientation, and I knew that would help me feel led one way or another. I went with an open mind and listening spirit.

When we got there, we were directed to the cafeteria with a TON of kindergarteners and their parents. They started by introducing the principle, nurse, librarian, guidance counselor, and all four kindergarten teachers. They're all women and all fairly young. Interesting. I was really impressed with all the information they gave us and how awesome they are with making sure the little kindergarteners don't get lost or feel scared. They even posted a sample weekly schedule of what they do all day. Was this made for a mom like me or what! :-)

Ten minutes into it, they dismissed the kids to go see the room before us. Wow, there were like 75 kids. Kara got up, went in line, and didn't look back. (I felt like that was my first sign.) Not all kids did. A few cried and one had a death grip on his mommy. He never went to preschool, day care, church, nothing. Poor kid - he was an absolute mess.

As we were dismissed to go get our kids 30 minutes later, the nice guy sitting behind me said they had an older kid already in that school and they loved it there and they thought it was a great school. (Did God send that message or what!) Then, Kara had a big old smile when I saw her again. We checked out all four kindergarten classes, which were huge, each had their own bathroom, and were in the new wing of the school that was just built a few months ago.

Let's just say, I have no more doubts about my decision and I know Kara's going to love it there. :-) God is good!!!


Anonymous said…
Vicky said…
That is great! So hard to believe she is starting school this year! :( :D I don't know if I'm happy or sad! I think both!
jessicaday said…
I'm both too, Mom!
Kattrina said…
That's great! Glad you're happy with the school - I'm sure it's a big relief!