kind of boring

It's been a while since I posted because I don't have much to say. I've been really tired with taking care of Christina, my big party on Friday, and running my own house.

Monday - Kara was supposed to have a field trip, but it was canceled due to weather. Then I took her to swim lessons then home for a nap. We ate dinner at my moms - I didn't have to cook or clean - score!

Tuesday - I made sticky buns from scratch for my Bible study girls. Great study on Revelation. Then my friend who I've known since we were 13 came over with her two kids. They stayed through dinner and we all had a good time. I'm tired though.

Wednesday - today - I'm spending the day at Christina's again. Helping her up and down or in and out of the car/house, getting ice, getting new ice, getting food/drink/meds/etc. Swept, mopped, vacuumed, 3 loads of laundry, dishes, lunch, dinner, cleaned out her fridge. Lots of work on these days, but it's all worth it. I just consider it a workout, but a productive one. I love getting things done! If only she could come to my house and I could get all that done at my own house.

That's what I've been up to. Kara is sleeping over my mom's house tonight, which will give Michael the afternoon off while I'm here at C's and I think it'll be an early night!


Vicky said…
I love that you know the book of Revelation is WITHOUT an S on the end!
jessicaday said…
Ha ha!! Yeah, that's a pet peeve of Michael's and mine. :-)