Day of Rest??

Today was like a normal Sunday. Went to church (although I went by myself since Michael and Kara both have colds), came home to cook lunch (an old favorite), cleaned it up, did a bunch of dishes, put Kara down for a nap, went to the grocery store, put the stuff away, then continued organizing the kitchen a little more (the counters get cluttered so fast). That got interrupted when Kara woke up from her nap. I got her dressed and ready for the weekly overnight visit to my parent's house, came home to work on my friend's website, now here I am. I have about two hours to chill before I play bridge. It's all good stuff!

As I'm sure a lot of my fellow mommy friends would agree with, a lot of times I prefer to do errands and chores when Michael is home to help with Kara. I love, love having her around and will miss her greatly in the fall when she is in school every day, but going to the grocery store alone rocks! :-)


Jessica said…
I am interested to see if it changes for me! I love to do all of my running with Terry and Michael. Actually major shopping with Terry and groceries but today Michael was grounded from the tv so he had to go grocery shopping with us. I will probably start liking the alone time soon I am sure!!
Vicky said…
It was ALWAYS good when Tim would keep any amount of kids he dared keep so I could go grocery shopping!