Moving Day, part 1

What a good day. We got up early to help Christina move into her new house. Unfortunately the signing of the papers got pushed off until Tuesday, so we moved 2/3 of her stuff into the house and left the last third at her old place, since she will have to live there until she officially owns the new house. God is so good to work it out for her that she could move most of it in today! That worked out well!
We had so much help that my mom and I mostly just hung out with Kara and kept her out of trouble. After the guys moved everything, and after we all had lunch, my mom and I finally got to work and unpacked the kitchen. Her new house is much bigger than it looks, has incredible potential, and is so beautiful. It was built in the early 1900s and has been completely remodeled with every upgrade you can think of. I'm so happy for her that she found this awesome deal!!


jessicaday said…
Isn't it so pretty?? I'm so happy for her.