Snow is a-comin'!

Here in Maryland we get, on average, 3 snowstorms a year - one inch each. And even that, at least one of those are ice, not snow. Well, for some reason we are getting crazy snow this year! We had a two footer in December, a few small snowstorms in January, and now they're calling for another two footer! I wish I had the kind of kid who loved the snow, but Kara doesn't. Is anyone really surprised? Has she ever really been super athletic or excited about playing outside? Or liked the cold? *sigh* I am a sissy and I'm raising a sissy. :-) Come one come all - sissies welcome!! :-)


Vicky said…
Well, we always liked playing in the snow! The part I always hated was climbing back up that stupid hill to ride the sled down (soooo fun!) but it was just not worth the effort for the most part! I would LOVE to get Kara out and pull her around on a sled! Someday! Might have to make one year a winter retreat to grandma's house! :)
jessicaday said…
The problem is we don't have a sled (and I can't find one in the whole state of maryland!!) The storms have been so deep Kara can't walk in them, so it's not fun for her. And the snow is too powdery for snowballs and snowmen. So, she stands in it and eats it until she gets cold and then doesn't want to go back out in it!
Elisabeth said…
we love snow here!! Make your own sled; trash can lids, trash bags, big pieces of cardboard, you can make anything work if you are on a hill! Hannah and Ryan even like to roll down the hill and not even use a sled! Do you even have hills in MD?! ;)