The Basketball Game

After all the men had made their way out front (at this point, sweet Terry was still in the pool making sure his little ones were having fun and being looked after), the game of horse was finishing up and the ladies and kids were ready to sit and watch.  All the guys (Michael, Nathanael, Brad, and little Michael) decided to play basketball.  Instead of 2 on 2, they played all 4 guys each on their own teams.

As I watched, I snapped picture after picture, assuming they'd be bored (or tired, let's face it, these guys are in their 30s), after a while.  Nope, they played for over an hour - I believe it was close to 2 hours.

And they were good.  Really good.  They were in flip flops and hadn't played basketball in years, but they were really good.  They were laughing and having fun and cracking jokes.  I had so much fun just watching them have fun!

Try to notice the expressions on their faces.

Forgive the terrible quality of these pictures.  I spent an hour or so studying even more about exposure before I left, but they played half in the sun and half in the shade.  It was hard to get it right, so I left the camera set to take the sunny pictures.

Then the littler kids found us and were blowing bubbles, which meant Terry was free to join the guys.

Whoa that's dark!  But look at Ryan's bubbles.

By now, Araya's nap was done and she was watching all the fun from her Grandma's lap.

Back to the game, which was even more fun with Terry.  Now they were 5 guys, all on their own teams.  :-)

By now they were mostly in the shade, so I changed the exposure to be for the shade.  Much better!

Then my battery died.  :-)

As the game died down, they sat and cooled off, had some water, then decided they worked up an appetite for dinner.  So, we brought all the food back out, ate our fill (boy was it so good!), plus brownie sundaes!

Then it was time to start packing up for the 45 minute drive to the hotel.  Michael and I got the first showers, then it was Kara and Hannah's turn (Hannah always comes with us - a tradition we all love), then Michael and I were dog tired.  Not enough sleep the night before plus a hot day will do that to ya.  :-)  I was asleep by 10:30, only to be awakened at 2:15 by drunks in the hallway.  I popped up and opened the door and said, "please be quiet."  A girl (there were three people) slurred, "I just graduated."  To which I responded, "please be quiet."  Unfortunately, popping up in the middle of the night light that triggered a little anxiety attack and it took 45 miserable minutes to fall back asleep.
