First Day of 8th Grade

Yesterday we started 8th grade.

This year is pretty different from last year.  Firstly, while last year's main goal was to learn to take notes and study, this year's main goal is to teach Kara time management.  We will start very slowly and take all year to get her to a point where she can plan her own week.  Secondly, she is doing most of her work through her own blog.  I have been told for a while now that she needs to be doing something like this - for artistic sake, for portfolio sake, for record keeping sake.  So far she loves it - I let her post fun things before school got started.  And I know I will love it - if she is going to be working during different times of day, it will be nice to check her work when it is convenient for me too.  No more emailing projects.

We each have calendars that say what the plan is for the day.
I like doing these one week at a time.  If I did the whole
year, I would get all stressed out when a sick day or trip
would pop up.
Kara really likes when I put times in for her.  She likes to try
to beat the time and have little breaks in between classes.

Okay, so firstly she starts her day in Proverbs.  Each day she reads a chapter and picks out key information we are studying that month.  This takes about 15 minutes, it goes on the blog, and it starts her day in the Word.

Next we work on math.  We are still finishing Algebra 1.  This is taught in a classic format - me up at the board with the teacher's book, Kara listening and taking notes, then Kara does exercises on her own.  Odds or evens or whatever she needs until she has mastered the subject.

It's an old picture, but probably the only one
I have of me teaching.  Here I am up at the
board while Kara listens.  If she isn't spending
brain power on sitting up straight in a chair,
she can focus.  So, she likes the floor!
We like Algebra the way we all learned it in high school.  Slow and steadily building, lots of examples, lots of exercises - should we need extra practice.

Here is my teacher's book, with what we are learning today.
We use BJU math - everything ties into God and the Bible.
Spanish is different this year.  We ordered DVDs to go along with the book and workbook.

First she looks in her notebook to see what
video to watch, then the video clearly
explains what books to use, and teaches
her like I would teach her.

Tonight's homework.  Learn this verse.  The video includes
an explanation to those kids who may not know how to
have a relationship with God.  I love it.
Today's lesson was an intro to the course,
plus reading/listening to this dialog,
then answering the questions together
with the DVD teacher.
 Boy, these are nice.  I do still really like teaching Kara, but as the courses get harder, I feel more confident with the extra help.  I remember enough Spanish to teach the first year easily, but this year I want to have a professional help out.  Not to mention this will help out with her independence.  Today we did the whole thing together.  I will step back as quickly or as slowly as Kara needs.

Next comes Bible History.  We are taking two different history classes this year because this history is more about a Bible class and the Middle Ages History is more like Literature class with a focus on the middle ages.  So, today we started with Joshua.  We will read through Malachi and focus on Ancient Greece.

Charlotte Mason

Here is a quick chart of what she will be doing
the first 6 weeks.  The Grades 7-9 column is
for her.
She liked this class as a history class so much last year that we added it this year as a Bible class.  Good for Kara!

As far as the history class we are trying this year, we are doing a Literature based course by Beautiful Feet.  We will start with a kids version of Beowulf, we will read all sorts of great books about knights and Robin Hood and Canterbury Tales, Joan of Arc, all the way to Columbus.  Alongside all of those, she is reading this book that is more textbook-like to organize all of those stories:

It's called The European World 400-1450
In between, she will be doing projects with essays on certain historical events/people (this week's essay is on Charlemagne), and maps.

We started the map today.  We will draw on this all year.

I am hoping both history classes will take only about 20-30 minutes a day each, and I'm hoping we can transition to her doing them alone.  Eventually.

After lunch she does Science and Writing.  Whoa does she love these subjects.  Her Science book is a GIANT book on Earth and Space.  She is SO excited to study these this year.  She savors this information.  She knows 3/4 of it already.

Yet another BJU curriculum.  I appreciate the Christian
worldview, along with the secular worldview.  In these
books, they explain why the secular worldview isn't the
Truth and why the Bible is.  We both are fascinated.

This stuff is awesome.

Writing was referred to me by my friend, Jessica.  They are using it and loving it.  Kara already loves it and looks forward to it.  Of course it's only been two days!  But she absolutely loves writing and can't wait to learn more.

Kara balked at the cover, saying "it looks
like it should be for kids 4+."  But she is
giving it a chance.

Instead of parts of speech grammar which we have done every year for the past 5 years in a row - which Kara has mastered, we are going to spend two years on this curriculum learning a good foundation of formal writing.  Isn't the point of learning grammar so that you'll be a good writer?

All in all we have had two good days.  I'm always excited to start a new year.  I start planning for a new school year very early on the year before.  Getting everything ready, researching, planning for months and months and months.  It's finally here.  She really likes most things too!  I'll update you on that in a month or two.  ;-)
