CVS 3-8-18

I saw my $10 off $50 purchase coupon expires today, so I made sure to get to CVS today.

I needed toilet paper and makeup, so I was able to get the rest with good sales.

The toilet paper and Tide was in a $5 off when you spend $20 deal.
I'm just now realizing the 2 $2 off coupons I had for the Tide didn't work.  Oh well, still good deals.
1 Charmin toilet paper
Originally $15.29
On sale for $9.99
Dividing up that $5 back, we will say I spent $7.49

2 Tide 40oz
Originally $8.69 each
On sale for $5.44 each
(Was supposed to take $2 off each)
Dividing up that $5 back, we will say I spent $8.38 for both, or $4.19 each

The Soft-soap body wash and soap was part of a spend $10, get $5 off deal.
2 Body washes
Originally $4.79 each
Using $5 back, I spent $1.69 on each

Of course those two didn't add up to $10, so I bought the hand soap
Originally $2.49

Finally I did the Covergirl deal - buy two things and get $5 back
2 Covergirl press powders
Originally 8.79
Used $3 coupon
Using $5 back, I spent $4.79 each

THEN I used my big-bad $10 off $50 coupon.  Go back and take at least a dollar off everything.

This was originally $62.32
I spent $22.52
I saved $39.80, or 64%
But, since I paid with gift cards, I got it ALL FREE.  :-)

If I had shopped at Walmart for those same items, I would have spent $40.22.
Since I spent $22.52, I saved $17.70, which is 44%
But my Discover card points don't give me Walmart gift cards, they give CVS cards.
