Early Spring Pics

Today was nice and warm, so Kara and I went out back into the woods with our cameras with the goal of capturing spring / new life.  Of course, trees are blooming EVERYWHERE here, but since we have mostly oaks, we will wait.  This would be much more informative if I actually knew the names of the trees.  All I know is the green little leafy ones are Privot, and the tall ones without any buds are Oaks.  You are welcome.

Look at all the fungus on this tree!

Life finds a way.  I love this pretty purple flower growing
up through the junk on the bottom of the forest floor.

These guys are EVERYWHERE.  Do you call them
Crane Flies or Mosquito Hawks?  (I call them both.)

When picture time was done, Kara worked on tricks with the kitties.  The light was terrible, so I just stopped after this, but you can see her asking for Shadow's paw, then giving him a piece of food as a reward.

Last but not least, today's coupon shopping needs showing off.
And last week's trip.
