More Snow and a New Recipe

And then more snow!  Are you sick of these posts?  Have you stopped reading?  I apologize.  Just a few more pictures of my favorite tree (and one of the pine tree in the back yard), and hopefully I'll have something more interesting to talk about tomorrow.  :-)

It added up to something like 2 and a half inches.  Very exciting stuff.  A plow came by our street at least twice and laid salt both times.  Then the sun came out and melted all the roads and sidewalks so it was for nothing.  Meanwhile, a few years ago when we got back to back storms and couldn't use the roads, a plow didn't come for a week, which means we couldn't leave our house for that long - no work, no groceries, it was anarchy.  Finally, the plow that came was a private person someone on our street hired because after seven days of being stuck in the house, we realized no one is coming to help us.  :-)  Ah, good times.  We'll be talking about those storms forever.  :-)

But I digress.

I hope you enjoyed your day.  My snow day was lovely.  I skyped with my friend, watched movies, and did laundry.  Yes, that equals a lovely day for this girl.  I also invented a yummy sandwich for dinner:

Chop up bacon and brown it in a dry pan.   Scoop out the bacon, add a pat of butter, and cook a chicken breast (that has salt and pepper on it) in the deliciousness that is in that pan.  Spread a thin layer of ranch dressing on one piece of bread.  Sprinkle the bacon pieces on top.  Add your chicken (I sliced mine into thin pieces), then a piece of cheese and another piece of bread.  The hot chicken will melt the cheese.  I'm realizing this is sounding super unhealthy, but I'm telling you, it was delicious.  Michael passed and had cheesecake for dinner instead.  Now who's unhealthy?  ;-)  Don't worry, Kara had peanut butter, water, and an orange.  She'll make it out okay.

And now I'm rambling, so I'll end this.  Happy Tuesday!
